Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Books I Read In July


They say the world used to turn. They say that night would follow day in an endless dance. They say that dawn rose, dusk fell, and we worshiped both sun and stars.

That was a long time ago.

The dance has died. The world has fallen still. We float through the heavens, one half always in light, one half always in shadow. Like the moth of our forests, one wing white and the other black, we are torn.

My people are the fortunate. We live in daylight, blessed in the warmth of the sun. Yet across the line, the others lurk in eternal night, afraid... and alone in the dark.

I was born in the light. I was sent into darkness. This is my story. 


We are in darkness. We are alone.

They came from the lands of light. They came with torches, with lanterns, with the banners of the sun. The children of endless day—they came to banish the darkness.

And they came to kill.

We are the children of never-ending night. We are the dwellers of shadow. In the light of our enemy, we are dying.

We were born in darkness. We must cast out the light. This is our story.



Our world is broken. Our people are torn.

The sun no longer rises. Evening no longer falls. In the lands of endless sunlight, we fear the darkness, we forge swords, we march to war. In the shadows of eternal night, we hide, we pray, we die. Soldiers of sunlight and children of darkness--we were once one. We were torn apart. We must be one again.

We are the people of Moth. Our world must once more turn.

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