Friday, February 8, 2013

Interview with Shannon McRoberts, author of The Daughter of Ares Chronicles: The Complete Trilogy

Follow Athine on her journey to her destiny.  Find out where vampires, immortal born, and dragons come from.  Take everything you know about mythology and throw it out the window. 

What inspired you to write this book?

I just had an idea one day for the first in this series.  I never intended it for it to branch out into several novellas, but it did.  I love fantasy and strong female leads; so, it is no wonder that this is exactly what the book has in it! 

Can you give us an interesting fact about your book that isn't in the blurb?

I can’t give too many facts away.  I guess I could expand on the fact that you may recognize some of the characters in the book and some of the stories, but they are completely redone to fit the universe I created for Athine….who is my character and not “Athena” as some have though.  It’s Ath-in-ay if anyone is wondering! 

What do you consider the most important part of a good story?

It has to have closure of some kind.  I hate books that just stop.  It needs to be enough closure that you can be done, but also open enough that maybe…just maybe there will be another one. 

What is you writing process?

Haphazard.  I write where I can and when I can around taking care of my family and working full time. 

How long have you been writing?

Since I could hold a pencil. 

How did you get started writing?

I started writing poetry when I was younger and it wasn’t until later on that I wrote The Secret of Genetic Corp X.  People liked it so I kept writing.  Not it’s a monster on its own demanding attention and my fingers LOL! 

Have you had anything else published?

I have a total of six ebooks available.  I have a ton of art books available.  I am working on another book right now.  I also have free short stories out there on smashwords and

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

Half and half.  I think of one thing and then sit down and something else even better appears!

What kind of music do you like to listen to while you write?

Disturbed, Evanescence, Seether, etc etc.

 Who is your favorite author?

Anne Rice

Who is your favorite character from a book?

Claudia was my first….so I guess it will always be her!

What is your favorite book?

Interview with a Vampire

Read anything good lately?

I read a lot.  Go to my blog at and check  out the great books I’ve read. 

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

Uhm sleep?  I don’t get to write a whole lot these days with work and all!

What advice would you give an author just starting out?

Go with your gut.  Advise is nice, but it’s your book and your work.  Take criticism with a grain of salt…some people will hate you just because they are mean.  Treasure the truly thoughtful criticisms, even if they are not glowing.  Move on.  You wrote something not to get rich…but to share.  And get an editor!

What's your next project?

Cursed Bloods and I am hoping to have it done by 2014….but I always have too many irons in the fire!



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