A crew of orphans is all that stands between Jackie and life as a prisoner in some squalid basement harem. When pox killed their parents, she took the boys in. Taught them to scavenge. Taught them to kill. But she's not much older than they are, and the boys are growing up fast. Her authority is eroding. The guys begin to compete, and the winner will lead the crew, alongside her. Infighting threatens to tear the crew apart. When rival gangs discover that their little band has one of the last surviving girls, Jackie must make a decision. Will she give herself up to save her crew, or take off alone through the streets?
Rape gangs might be the least of her worries. Pox is spreading among animals, who gain an eerie intelligence before they sicken and die. One-legged Joe thinks she’s nuts, but Jackie is convinced. The pox is sentient, and it’s after her.
*****You can buy Bait
at Amazon.*****
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Courtney's Giveaway
This Giveaway is open Internationally, with this exception: The winner of the Signed Print copy of BAIT must live in the USA. You must be 13+ to enter.
4 Winners will receive an eCopy of ENHANCED by Courtney Farrell
1 Winner will receive a Signed Print copy of BAIT (USA only)
2 Winners will receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card
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