Monday, February 29, 2016

Book Blast: Darkness Eternal by Leslie Lee Sanders

His efforts exposes shocking secrets that threaten their future...

Publication Date: March 1, 2015
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic/Dystopian, LGBT
Series: Refuge, Inc. #5

As above, so below, except when referring to the underground Refuge Inc. compound.

A century after an asteroid impact and merely fifteen years after a second collision that turned the world into a noxious wasteland, Cadet Connor Nichols and other Refuge facility residents are making the most of their spherical underground utopia they call home.

But when a breach threatens to poison the occupants with toxic air, Connor is forced to make life-altering decisions in an attempt to save lives and his only home. With help from best friend and training partner, Vince Moore, he's reminded that good leadership requires responsibility.

His struggle intensifies as everything he knows about the facility, the leaders, and himself becomes twisted, distorted, and turned into the unimaginable when his efforts exposes shocking secrets that threaten their future.

*A standalone in the Refuge Inc. series

The author of several books of fiction and fiction with spice, Leslie Lee Sanders resides in Queen Creek, Arizona, with her husband, three daughters, and a wild beast she calls her imagination. After writing erotic romance, mostly in the gay and ménage categories, she's recently plunged into writing deep, dark, sci-fi with her LGBT post-apocalyptic and dystopian series, Refuge Inc.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

.99 Cent Erotica: Deadly Obsession by Shay Price

Devon left behind a rough home life to move in with his partner, Anthony. Life is comfortable. Easy. Boring. Until one day at a club, Devon meets Cassandra, a green eyed beauty with a wild side. Then begins a downward spiral that can only end one way. In blood.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Skeleton Crew by Stephen King

The Mist: 4 STARS
Here There Be Tygers: 2 STARS
The Monkey: 4 STARS
Cain Rose Up: 2 STARS
Mrs. Todd's Shortcut: 3 STARS
The Jaunt: 4 STARS
The Wedding Gig: 3 STARS
Paranoid: A Chant: 2 STARS
The Raft: 3 STARS
Word Processor Of The Gods: 3 STARS
The Man Who Would Not Shake Hands: 3 STARS
Beachworld: 3 STARS
The Reaper's Image: 4 STARS
Nona: 4 STARS
For Owen: 2 STARS
Survivor Type: 1 STAR
Uncle Otto's Truck: 3 STARS
Morning Deliveries: 3 STARS
Big Wheels: A Tale Of The Laundry Game: 3 STARS
Gramma: 4 STARS
The Ballad Of The Flexible Bullet: 4 STARS
The Reach: 3 STARS

Friday, February 26, 2016

YA Urban Fantasy Series

Ever since I read Firestarter in my early teens, I've been fascinated by stories about people with supernatural powers. And I fell in love with dragons at about the same time. So the Dragon Within Series is sort of a marriage of the two. It's my own kind of twist on the dragon mythos set in modern day USA.

This series has presented me with what is, to me at least, a unique challenge. It's my first set of fantasy novels set in the real world. I'm more comfortable working with my own made up worlds, which I know everything about. This series starts off in Arizona, then moves through California into Oregon. And I haven't even finished the last book, which at the moment is in Iowa. I have visited Arizona once, years ago, but I have never been to these other states and that means research. Lots of it. I've been so nervous about getting something wrong and I've not dealt with that a lot in my writing career before.

Since I wrote the first novel in the series I have started another series set in our world, however I never specify the city or state where it's set, because I'm going for a sort of "any big city in the US" kind of a feel. Really it's a made up city not unlike Derry in the works of Stephen King. And yes, it was Mr. King's use of fictional cities in the real world state of Maine which inspired this.
This works in my Dual Realm Novels because the series is set entirely within this fictional city and, unlike Mr. King, I've not set it into any specific state. It has been a much easier series to write as a result.

The Dragon Within Series has really forced me to write in an entirely different way than I've been accustomed to and I've enjoyed the challenge. So far Books 1-3 have been released and Book 4 comes out in March. That only leaves Book 5, which I am currently writing, and the series will be finished. I'm both happy and sad, because over the course of so many books I've really gotten attached to these characters and their story. I only hope my readers have come to love them as much as I do. 

Have you ever noticed how life can shift all of sudden? You’re going along thinking everything is great and then WHAM, you get hit by a bus. Well, maybe not a literal bus, but you get what I mean, right? I’m talking about that moment in time when everything changes and life as you know it comes to a crashing halt. 

My name is Abigail Freeman and for me, that moment came on my sixteenth birthday. It wasn't anything so dramatic as getting hit by a bus. In fact, it was so subtle, I didn’t even recognize it for what it was. Not until later could I look back and say that was the moment my life changed forever. 

It isn't easy to start a new life. To leave behind everything you know to go to a strange place full of strange people. Especially when you're sixteen and everyone you love thinks you're dead. 

My name is Abigail Freeman and this is exactly the situation I found myself in after discovering the shocking truth about my heritage. Before Zack came into my life, before I knew anything about dragons and powers and secrets, I thought I was an ordinary girl. No different from my friends and family. Once I discovered the truth, everything changed. 

Sometimes life is crazy. I guess that's part of being a teenager. My life has gotten crazier than most. On my sixteenth birthday I found out I'm a dragon. I know what you're thinking, but it's not like the movies with the scales and the wings and the fire breathing. All that is a myth. I'm a real dragon. Someone who has power over the air around her. 
Everyone tells me I can do more. I can control all the elements. I'm special. A hybrid. 
I don't want to be special. Not if it means letting my parents go on thinking I'm dead. Not if it means spending the rest of my life running from people who want to kill me for real. 
All I want is to be normal again. Only I don't think it can ever happen. I have no choice but to stay one step ahead of my enemies. There's just one small problem with that. One of those enemies might be the only person who can keep me alive. 

Running to Oregon in search of the one person who could help me seemed like a good idea at the time. Even if she was a fearsome hybrid. Even if I had seen her kill people without blinking an eye. Even if I wasn't sure she wouldn't do the same to me. When you're desperate you do what you have to. 
And I was desperate. I was also hated, hunted, and struggling to gain control over my growing powers. Trying to do that on the run without getting anybody else killed is exactly as hard as it sounds. Harder even. 
All I wanted was a safe place. And I found it. A place where I can stop and breathe and even learn without feeling like I have a target on my back. If only I'd known security would come with such a high price. 


Kyra Dune was born in Oklahoma, but spent most of her life travelling with her family. She is the author of more than two dozen fantasy novels, including: Shadow of the Dragon, Elfblood, and Firebrand. As a child, her favorite stories were those that told of ordinary children being whisked away to magical lands. She has yet to find her own secret wardrobe or rabbit hole, but she hasn’t given up the search. You never know what might be waiting over the next rainbow.

Originally featured on The Rough Draft Daily

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Book Promo: Coma Hell by Kevin Wimer


Jack Roberts awakens from what he was told would be nothing more than a routine sinus surgery. There is never anything routine with any surgery. Jack never gave that a thought and he should have. Jack might have changed his life and been a better man. 

The panic beeping sound of alarms echoed with a flurry of activity around Jack’s hospital bed. The scream of a nurse calling for a doctor. The voice of a doctor yelling we are losing him and for everyone to stand back. 

The bright flashing red hot light seared through Jack’s body as the world around him spun out of control. The voice of the doctor now tense with anger as his words echoed through Jack’s head. The only word that Jack could make out was coma. 

Jack was now lost in the darkened world that would become his very own private hell. 


Jack blinked his eyes a few times against the cold wind. He could feel the stinging pain of them drying out with the cold air that was now hitting his face. He felt her touch, colder than the wind, colder than any winter he’d ever lived through. Joanna dragged her nails across his bare flesh with the tips of them digging into his soft pinkish flesh. Jack wanted to scream but felt his voice going away from him.
Joanna looked at him and laughed. The laugh was not of this world and it rocked him to his core. He felt true fear, something he had not felt since being a little child. Jack was the kind of kid who would go and ride all of the big scary rides at the fair, trying to show off how tough he was. It wasn’t the rides that scared him, there were other things, things in the dark that you couldn’t see. He had a flashback to a clown with buck teeth and cruel, musty breath. The clown was helping each rider put their belts on, making sure that they were secure in the ride. Jack looked up at him and asked what the ride was like, the clown laughed a laugh that Jack had never heard before or since that night at the fair until this very moment.
The thought of that time sent a gripping fear over Jack’s body. He looked at Joanna standing there, running her bony fingers across his chest and down to his waist, gripping his manhood tightly. Jack winced in pain to the sound of laughter.


Kevin has always been a creative person, whether it was drawing or writing. The computer age was a gift, no more writing in notebooks and hoping that the ink wouldn't smudge. Kevin began writing as a teen and on into his adult life. 

Kevin's first adventure into writing was while in high school. It was a ten minute break between classes that Kevin discovered the joys of writing horror. It was a Halloween themed short story that help spawn him into many other areas of writing. 

Kevin enjoys writing Sci-Fi, Horror, Zombie, Vampire, Post-Apocalyptic, Romance and whatever else his mind can come up with to create.

Kevin also believes that every story is a good story and every story should be told.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Cover Reveal: Dead Girl by Tessa Marie

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Dead Girl by Tessa Marie
February 24th, 2016

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If her mother wasn’t watching, Kylie Presby would punch Queen Bee, Natalie Silvers, in the face ­again. But as Kylie wipes her tears away with the layers of toilet paper encasing her car, she knows she can’t retaliate like she did last time. Her dead mother wouldn’t approve. Kylie no longer cares about popularity. Invisible would work just fine.
Then the new kid, Braydon, mysterious, good looking and too clever for his own good, shows up and sacrifices his social status, becoming Kylie’s shield from the front line assault. After enough chocolate ice cream and movies it’s as if they’re best friends. Crazy, since Kylie knows so little about him.
As Natalie continues her relentless attacks on Kylie another person deals with his own line of bullies. Jack Stine was popular until his deepest secret was revealed and his friends abandoned him. Kylie and Jack bond over their tormentors and form an unbreakable friendship.
Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2Three lost souls each with a story that binds them together, but will it be enough when the bullying goes too far and secrets are revealed?



Tessa Marie aka Theresa Paolo lives on Long Island, NY with her fiancé and their fish. She is the author of NA and YA contemporary romances. Her debut novel (NEVER) AGAIN, released in Fall 2013 with Berkley (Penguin) and the companion novel (ONCE) AGAIN released Summer 2014. Both her books HOME IS WHERE YOU ARE and PROVE ME WRONG are Amazon bestsellers. She is also the coauthor of the Amazon bestselling Beds Series. She has a hard time accepting the fact she’s in her early thirties (very early), and uses her characters to relive the best and worst years of her life. She put her love of writing on hold while she received her Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing from Dowling College. When she’s not writing, she’s behind a camera, reading, watching Vampire Diaries and Pretty Little Liars, or can be found on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Cover Reveal: Venture Forward by Kristen Luciani

Title: Venture Forward
Series: Book 3 in The Venture Series
Author: Kristen Luciani
Release Date: March 15th, 2016

Raw. Cold. Detached. Domineering…

Paul Emerson lives life like he f*cks. It’s the only way to survive, to battle the demons forever lurking in his subconscious, to resist succumbing to the darkness that perpetually overshadows his existence. As a ruthless venture capitalist with an insatiable appetite for power and control, he has no tolerance for emotion or any tryst spanning more than a few hours. Feelings equate to weakness and weakness destroys livelihoods.

Driven. Focused. Bitter. Guilty…

Avery Hunter is tormented by what she can’t change, but letting go is never the preferred option. Her successes aren’t nearly enough to fill the gaping void in her heart and soul. No, revenge always begets satisfaction and fulfillment…except when it extinguishes the last source of brightness in her life. Karma is a bitch and irony is her evil twin sister.

Damaged. Rejected. Broken…

The woman who harbors and the man who resists. With so much baggage and even more angst, can their wounded souls finally find solace in one another? Or is their future happiness doomed to be ravaged by the lies and deceit that litter their pasts?

Kristen Luciani, co-founder of Author Navigation, is a self-proclaimed momtrepreneur and contemporary romance author with a penchant for Christian Louboutins, Silicon Valley (the place and the show), plunging necklines and grapefruit martinis.  As a deep-rooted romantic who prefers juicy drama to fill the lives of anyone other than her, she tried her hand at creating a world of enchantment, sensuality, and intrigue, finally uncovering her true passion. No pun intended…


Be sure to click the link below to sign up for Kristen Luciani's newsletter to stay up-to-date with upcoming releases and events!

Unlikely Venture

Nothing Ventured

Monday, February 22, 2016

Book Blast: Whispers Of The Serpent by CL Roberts-Huth

No rest for the Wiccan...

Publication Date: June 2015
Genre: Supernatural Thriller
Series: Zoe Delante Crime Series #2

No rest for the Wiccan.

One year has passed since Zoë Delante’s last big case, and everyone’s favorite Wiccan has managed to carve a normal-ish life for herself and her boyfriends, Jacob and Daniel. Then she gets the call that someone has discarded dead babies like empty soda cans off I-295 in the Baltimore/D.C. area, leaving strange scales all over the crime scenes. Another serial killer?

Zoë dives into the case when her one-year-old niece comes up missing, and she discovers that the guy running the Church of Holy Light knows magick and lies about it. Is he the one behind the mind control? Did he send the guys to drop magick all over her sister’s house?

And what the hell is up with her magick?

The visions are getting stronger, and weirder, and Zoë can’t remember the last time she slept. No matter. She has bad guys to catch and innocents to save. She’ll sleep when she’s dead….

…Or when the killer is.

Born in 1975, I’m the product of star-crossed lovers who took separate paths shortly after my arrival. Now a three-time mother, twice married woman, and eclectic person, I reside in the sunny biosphere that is Sierra Vista, Arizona, with my wonderful partner in crime, Peter, and three brilliant geeklings: Michael, Cami and Desmond. Oh, and a mop… er… Shih Tzu named Sir Lancelot the Brave.

Writing came to me naturally, and the dark clouds of childhood and adolescent angst gave birth to a myriad of story threads that reflected my inner struggle to find a place in this world. I haven’t quite discovered it yet, but I’ve fallen in love with the journey and all the stories unfolding in front of me. I’m a lover of many genres and a writer of a small handful, and rather content with that lot.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Cover & Trailer Reveal: Dare To Shine Anthology

Dare to Shine Anthology
Authors- E.C. Hibbs, Donna Milward, Mystell Oshay, Rose Titus, Bobbie Palmer, Mari Brown, Lilly Rayman, MP Ashman, Allana Kephart & Melissa Simmons, Fiona Maher
Expected Publication Date- May 22nd, 2016

In August 2007, Sophie Lancaster was viciously attacked and later passed away from her horrendous injuries. The only reason she was targeted was because she looked different.

Now, authors from across the world have come together to present an anthology of stories inspired by the joy of individuality.  From science fiction and paranormal to fairy tale reimaginings, fall into a celebration of life and difference, all to benefit ​The Sophie Lancaster Foundation.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

SALE: Ravel by Shari J. Ryan



Ravel by Shari J. Ryan

272 Pages
Published: November 12, 2015
Published By: Gravity - A Booktrope Imprint
Cover Designer: MadHat Covers
Genre: Military Romance


At twenty-three, I’m left with a decision. The outcome could be life or death.

Trent hit me once, and I cried. Then he hit me again. And again. After a while, I got used to it, as I slept on the floor beside his bed, night after night.

Everyone told me to leave him, but I can't. He won't let me.
The moment I wanted to give up on myself and any form of hope, Kemper—a tall, sexy Marine just home from Afghanistan walked into my bar. With one look in his eyes, I saw pain that mirrored my own.

At first, I thought maybe he would be my prince charming, riding in to save me, but all it took was one tragedy for me to remember…fairy tales don’t exist in real life.

*The content in this book discusses domestic violence and is suitable for readers over 18*


Buy Links
Amazon: US : UK : AU : CA




“That’s twice in one day I’ve had to save you,” Kemper says, his soft voice soothing my nerves as he presses a cool compress against my forehead. His other hand is cupped around my cheek. No one has ever cared enough to save me. Kemper’s face is inches from mine and I can smell the cool mint on his breath from the gum he’s been chewing.

“I guess so,” I mutter, falling a little deeper into his gaze.
His thumb runs down the length of my nose, and while most of me is feeling pain, that sensation still drives quivers through my body. “Does that hurt?” he asks.

I shake my head, “Not too much,” I say, noticing a slight ache in my neck.
His thumb moves over to my right cheekbone and he presses gently. “How about that?” All I feel is the warmth from his skin. I shake my head again. He does the same for my left cheekbone. This time I wince. It hurts. I clench my eyes and I hear him yell to someone to grab ice. “Is this the first time he’s hit you?” Kemper’s brows are bowed toward his nose while his thumb continues to trace small circles around my cheek. I’d rather lean into his hand than respond.

In truth, I just don’t want to answer him, but he’s still staring at me, waiting for a response. I look down, away from his gaze. The ache in my chest, mixed with feeling like a weak woman, makes me want to cry, but I won’t cry in front of all these people. His finger curls under my chin and he tilts my face back up to look at him. His eyes are kind and caring, yet pained at the same time. The light is hitting them at the perfect angle, giving them the slightest shimmer in the center of each pupil. Then there are his lips—I can’t stop looking at those either. They’re full and capable. They look like they have the ability to kiss in a way I’ve definitely never been kissed. I want to touch his lips, but I belong to Trent—the asshole that just hit me.


Author Bio

International Bestselling Author, Shari J. Ryan, hails from Central Massachusetts where she lives with her husband and two lively little boys.

Shari has always had an active imagination and enjoys losing herself in the fictional worlds she creates.

When Shari isn’t writing or designing book covers, she can usually be found cleaning toys up off the floor.

To learn more, visit her at
