What if the government doesn’t want a cure?
blinding light in the Southwestern sky changed everything. Nothing worked
anymore and all Alexis could do was hope that her boyfriend and fellow
scientist Jackson would still head to New Orleans for their week end together.
couldn’t help thinking the worldwide pockets of viral outbreaks and this were somehow connected. If she and Jackson combined
their efforts just maybe they could stop this before it became an epidemic.
she was stuck on the road alone and it wasn’t long before she
it was too late; they couldn’t out run a virus. If the world was over run all
they could do now all they could do was to figure
out how to survive and keep the uninfected from becoming, mindless, flesh
eating monsters. Now there’s something else, a mutation a strain of virus the
government doesn’t want to cure and they want Alexis and Jackson to help them
harness it. They aren’t about to let that happen.
world and character building of best-selling author E.L. Loraine with the
specialty horror telling skills of Tim Frasier has combined in this
dystopian –
Pathogen. It’s chilling in an all too believable way.

Here are a few short Teasers from
Teaser #1
While Jackson’s exterior was the definition of calm and control,
he was screaming inside. He had to get Alexis out of New Orleans. He approached
the compound commander, Major Johnston, and made a calculated plea.
“I need to get to New Orleans. One of the world’s top
pathologists is there, and would be invaluable in fighting whatever we’re up
Teaser #2
Alexis frowned, gun at the ready, and continued up the stairs,
alleviating further squeaking by positioning her feet on the extreme sides of
the treads.
She stopped at the landing and stood there holding her breath,
listening, trying to decide what to do. Moving to the door to her right, sure
the whimpering sound was coming from that room, she slowly reached out to the
In one movement she twisted the knob, and shoved the door hard.
The door swung to her right, banging on the wall behind it. Lexy moved through
the opening and into the interior of the room with her gun close to her body,
rotating first to the left and then to the right.
Teaser #3
She moved further inside, aiming the pistol back and forth, as
she looked through the room.
She gulped and took herself in hand, preparing inwardly for the
next move.
Stepping to the closet door she took another quick breath,
gripped the knob and pulled it open.
Immediately, something inside the closet screeched and Lexy
dropped down to one knee, gun extended, with a screech of her own.

I grew up in a small northern Minnesotan town, married my high
school sweetheart, had two beautiful children and as soon as we could, we moved
to a warmer climate. I have worked with my husband building and decorating
custom homes for years. After loving every kind of vampire book, movie, and
series, I decided that I wanted to know more. I can write a book I thought, how
hard can that be? Well….very hard. But I stuck to it and finished my first book
Royal Blood Chronicles Book One, Katrina, The Beginning, in August 2009. There
are now nine books in that series; The Protectors, The Dark Prince, Cain, the
Quest, Bloodline and Legacy, Redemption and Destiny, and book nine Sabine, with
book ten- Power of the Secret -out this fall.
I’ve also started to write mystery/suspense contemporary adult
romances under my E.L. Loraine brand. The first release is Corporate Ties, A
Silken Ties Novel, the second a sweeter romance – Western Escape. A second
Silken Ties Novel will be released in August 2014.
The feedback has been great. I have also released Phantom Lives – Collier, and
new paranormal series, book two of that series Phantom Lives – Power, book
three to be out around Christmas. I also have just published book one of my
Shifter Chronicles – Green River. My parents always told me that I could do
anything that I wanted, work hard, study, and do it right. I believe that and
live that way every day.
I started writing this new vampire series for teens and their
moms because I myself wanted something different to read. I was tired of all
the modern versions of vampire books, there had to be more to these long lived
beings. Where had they been, what had they seen? I wanted, no I NEEDED to know
more so Royal Blood Chronicles was born! Strong female characters and action
and adventure mixed with romance, friendship and a historical backdrop. Phantom
Lives continues with another strong female character, which is very important
to me. Phantom Lives is a modern day, paranormal romance, filled with mystery,
magical places and beings.
A Red Coat PR Interview!
RCPR: Your newest book, PATHOGEN releases onOctober 28th. Tell us a little about it.
Elizabeth: I was invited to write a short story for an anthology and worked with Tim Frasier on a piece. We just clicked, and I asked him if he would write this story with me, an idea I’d had for a while. Two scientists, who are in a long distance relationship are set to meet each other again in New Orleans when the world suddenly changes. Pathogen has been released and an EMP has taken out almost all communications, electrical and power. Now the main characters, Alexis and Jackson are trying to get to each other. The government and other factions also want them to stabilize the Pathogen, if not cure it. Both sides want to control it for their own purposes. So they, along with a band of people who they’ve joined or helped along the way are on the run.
RCPR: I have to say, your cover is a mixture of stunning and freaky. What inspired the idea for the cover and who was your designer?
Elizabeth: Conzpiracy Digital Arts does most of my covers, he’s amazing, but horror is his specialty. I only have to give him a concept and then get out of the way. This scientist has been infected. Because it’s true; you can’t run from a virus.
RCPR: Your tag line, “What if the government doesn’t want a cure” is amazing! Do you personally believe in government conspiracies or does it just make for a good book?
Elizabeth: Oh I love a good conspiracy and I believe they go on. Yes I believe not every faction of the government knows everything about the others. It’s scary, that’s what makes it good.
RCPR: PATHOGEN is a co-written venture that you partnered with Tim Frasier on. How did you find the process of co-writing to be?
Elizabeth: It was amazing and while Tim wasn’t sure if it would work it has and our style and our imaginations mess seamlessly. It started out by Tim writing Jackson’s part and I wrote Lexy’s point of view. Once they were together however we just took turns, each writing around 1000 words a day and passed it back and forth. We had the first book done in six weeks, the second in an additional five weeks. We wrote a novella, a prequel next and will start the third book next week. I have to say it was soooo fun. It was like Christmas morning every day waiting to read what he’d written and adding to the story.
RCPR: Aside from the horror/thriller genre, what other genre’s have a dabbled in?
Elizabeth: I started writing YA fantasy and paranormal, but now I also write romance/mystery and thrillers too. I find it keeps writing exciting to try new things and engage a new audience.
RCPR: With the new year quickly on approach, are there any new writing goals that you’re thinking of setting for yourself in 2015?
Elizabeth: I am expanding my YA series Royal Blood Chronicles and Phantom Lives as well as my Lillian, a Vampire tale series. We will continue the Pathogen series or maybe a spin off or something new. Silken Ties, the adult romance/thriller series will get two novels next year as well.
RCPR: As an author, the more you write the better you become. Have you ever been tempted to go back and re-work your first books? Did you?
Elizabeth: I have been through all of them again yes, and may do it again. You’re always learning so I may do a re-write on the first books again. That’s what’s so great about self publishing, you’re in charge.
RCPR: Do you tend to do a lot of research for your books or do you like to create new rules and history?
Elizabeth: I do a lot of research, but it is fiction after all, so I mix the real history with my fiction. I do the same with anything I’m writing. If it’s about the FBI, the military, government, serial killers, whatever. I do the research. I really enjoy that part of writing.
RCPR: If you could spend a day in any time period in history, which would it be and why?
Elizabeth: I think I’d like to see the early West so mid 1800’s would be my choice, but all history fascinates me. Walk with Louis and Clark.
RCPR: What is your biggest writing pet peeve? Why?
Elizabeth: Writing the dreaded blurb! I hate condensing an entire novel into a two paragraph blurb and I know I’m not the only one.
Did you know there is a Release Party for Pathogen on October 28th from 6pm-9pm EST? No you didn't well be sure to click the link below so you can join in the fun!