Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Year In Writing - Kyra Dune, Fantasy Author

It's been a busy year for me writing wise and I thought I would share stats with you to show what all I've been up to. Plus, I was curious to see myself after reading another writer's blog post, which gave me the inspiration to write my own. (You should check this blog out, Chuck Wendig is super funny


March 4: Crossfire (Crossfire Book One)
April 14: Firestorm (Crossfire Book Two)
June 13: Dragons Of War (Firebrand Book Three)
July 23: The Black Mountain (DragonStar Book Two)
August 12: Dragon Within (Dragon Within Book One)
September 12: Higher Power (Prophecy Of The Cataclysm Book One)
October 1: Rise Of The Watchtower (Time Of Shadows Book Four)
October 10: Chasing The Whirlwind (Dragon Within Book Two)
November 19: Flight Of Dragons
December 10: Bonded (A Dual Realm Novel)


The Watchtower War 102,763

Chasing The Whirlwind 29,930

Higher Power 61,057

Bonded 30,612

Higher Power 59,864

Bonded 31,254


First Draft In Progress: Star Of Ataris, Quicksilver (A Dual Realm Novel), Rock Bottom (Dragon Within Book Four), Cataclysm (Prophecy Of The Cataclysm Book Three)
Second Draft In Progress: The Watchtower War (Time Of Shadows Book Five), Riding The Wave (Dragon Within Book Three) Oracle (Prophecy Of The Cataclysm Book Two)


I hope to have an equally productive year coming up. So far, this is what I have in mind but you never can tell what might happen. I have one book coming out for sure, and a few others I'm hoping to have finished. Got my fingers crossed.


January 24: Shadow Of The Dragon

As yet unscheduled: Riding The Wave, Oracle, Quicksilver, Rock Bottom, Untitled third Dual Realm novel.

Kyra Dune was born in Oklahoma, but spent most of her life travelling with her family. She is the author of more than twenty fantasy novels, including: Shadow of the Dragon, Elfblood, and Firebrand. As a child, her favorite stories were those that told of ordinary children being whisked away to magical lands. She has yet to find her own secret wardrobe or rabbit hole, but she hasn’t given up the search. You never know what might be waiting over the next rainbow. 

Connect With Me: Facebook      Twitter    Blog    Website     Goodreads   Pinterest     
Buy My Books: Amazon   Amazon UK   

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Cover Reveal: Snake Eyes by Melissa Pearl

Snake Eyes by Melissa Pearl
December 30, 2014


Caitlyn Davis expects her sophomore year at UCLA to be perfect...until she walks into her dorm room to find Special Agent Zoey Kaplan of the FBI waiting for her. In that instant, she knows her idyllic year with new best friends, Nicole and Dale, along with her super hot boyfriend, Eric, is about to fall apart.

Having been forced to work with the FBI months earlier, Caity accidentally gave away her special ability to read people's emotions and know whether they were telling the truth. Now, Kaplan wants Caity to go undercover again for a secret operation that will bring her close to the sadistic Diego Mendez, a man believed to be involved in human trafficking.

Eric Shore is not a man who trusts easily. Having been burned multiple times, it’s hard for him to open up completely, but his love for Caity makes him want to try. Yet, her sudden withdrawal worries him, particularly when she chooses to spend time with her new roommate, Quella Mendez, over him. When Caity’s behavior begins to match that of her wild roommate, Eric wonders if their relationship is as strong as he believed.

As Caity struggles to maintain her relationship and do her job, she finds herself pulled further into a dangerous world that could take away everything she holds dear. Will Eric learn the truth in time to save her? Or will the man with the eyes of a snake destroy their perfect romance?

ADD IT TO YOUR GOODREADS TBR: Snake Eyes on Goodreads


Melissa Pearl was born in Auckland, New Zealand, but has spent much of her life abroad, living in countries such as Jordan, Cyprus and Pakistan... not to mention a nine month road trip around North America with her husband. "Best. Year. Ever!!" She now lives in China with her husband and two sons. She is a trained elementary teacher, but writing is her passion. Since becoming a full time mother she has had the opportunity to pursue this dream and her debut novel hit the internet in November 2011. Since then she has continued to produce a steady stream of books, ranging in genres from Fantasy to Contemporary Romance. She loves the variety and is excited about the books she has coming up in 2015..

Monday, December 29, 2014

Top 10 Fantasy Writing Tips From 'Game Of Thrones' Author George R.R. Martin

(Photo Courtesy of

(This Article Is Excerpted From

Don’t limit your imagination

I knew right from the beginning I wanted the story to be large and complex. Before A Song of Ice and Fire I had been working in television for ten years. Whenever I turned in a script it was a common scene where they would say “George, this is great but it’s too big and expensive; you need to cut it down. You currently have 126 characters — we have a budget for six.”
When I went back to prose, there were suddenly no limits: I could write something huge with all the characters I wanted, with battles, dragons and immense settings. Of course, I thought this will be unfilmable and that I’d never have to worry about Hollywood again. But that’s David Benioff’s and Dan Weiss’ problem now.

Choose your point-of-view characters to broaden the narrative’s scope

My story is essentially about a world at war. It begins very small with everybody apart from Daenerys in the castle of Winterfell. It’s a very tight focus, and then as the characters split apart, each character encounters more people and additional POVs come into focus.
It’s like if you were trying to do World War 2 as a novel: do you just take one average GI? Well that would only cover the European theatre, not the Pacific. Do you make Hitler a point-of-view character to show the other side? What about the Japanese or Italy? Roosevelt, Mussolini, Eisenhower — all these characters have a unique viewpoint that presents something huge in Word War 2.
So you either need an omnificent viewpoint structure where you’re telling it from the point of view of God, which is a pretty outdated literary technique, or you have a mosaic of people who are seeing one small part of the story and through that you get the entire picture. That’s the path I chose to take.

It’s okay to “borrow” from history

Although my story is fantasy, it is strongly grounded in actual Medieval history. The War of the Roses was one of the major influences, which had the Yorks and the Lancasters instead of the Starks and the Lannisters. But I like to mix and match and move things around. As the famous saying goes; stealing from one source is plagiarism but stealing from lots of sources is research!

On believable POVs

Ultimately all of us are alone in the universe — the only person we ever really know deeply is ourselves. Obviously, I’ve never been a dwarf or a princess, so when I’m writing these characters I have to try and get inside their skin and see what the world would be like from their position. It’s not always easy.
Some of it can be resolved by talking to real people. I had a correspondence with a fan when I was writing the first and second book who was a paraplegic. He gave me a lot of valuable insight on how to write Bran and what it would be like to be in that situation.
But ultimately, I think the humanity all my characters share is more important than whether they’re men or women, or princesses or peasants, tall or small. While these things certainly make a difference, all human beings in all cultures throughout history have wanted success and love and a certain prosperity and to eat and not be killed. These are pretty basic things that motivate all people and I try to keep that in mind when writing any character.

Grief is a powerful tool — but don’t overdo it

Presenting grief is hard to do. Years ago I was on a TV show called Beauty and the Beast, which starred Ron Perlman and Linda Hamilton. Linda left the show after the second season to pursue a movie career, so we decided to write the character out instead of recasting her, because that was more dramatic. We had the character killed off and this led to a huge fight with the network.
We wanted to spend a whole episode where the character is buried and everyone spends 60 minutes weeping and grieving and sharing their memories of her. But the network didn’t want us to show any of that. They said “the character’s dead, you need to move on and introduce the new beauty. Let’s never mention the name of her character again.” The entire writer’s room was horrified by this. It was supposed to be a love story for the ages; he wasn’t going to just forget about her and move on to another beauty.
We kind of won the battle but we lost the war. We presented the episode and it was very powerful. I think our hardcore viewership watched it, wept copious tears and then never watched the show again! Grief doesn’t necessary translate to entertainment value. That said, it does make for more powerful storytelling. Presenting not just death, but grief is important. At some point, we all experience the loss of our parents, or sibling or close friend and it’s a very powerful emotion.

Violence should have consequences — so spare nothing!

If you’re going to write about Medieval-style warfare, you need to show it — those swords aren’t just for show. You should present it honestly in all its ugliness and horror. Medieval battles were exceptionally bloody; people were striking each other with large, very sharp pieces of metal that hacked off limbs and left devastating, hideous injuries. At the Battle of Hastings there are contemporary reports of screens of blood. I like to show the believable aftereffects of war, such as the maimed man who lived afterwards.
Funnily enough, the show has been killing a number of minor characters who are still alive in the books, such as Daenerys’ two handmaidens. When I approached [the producers] about this, they explained to me that unlike my book characters, the actors expect to be paid money! Therefore, in order to introduce a new character at the start of each season, they’ve got to kill some of the old characters off.

Avoid fantasy clichés

I love fantasy and I’ve been reading it all my life, but I’m also very conscious of its flaws. One of the things that drives me crazy is the externalisation of evil, where evil comes from the “Dark Lord” who sits in his dark palace with his dark minions who all wear black and are very ugly. I’ve deliberately played with that, where you have the Night’s Watch who even though they are filled with thieves and poachers and rapers are heroic people — but they all wear black. And then there are the Lannisters who are tall and fair but aren’t the nicest people.
In simplistic fantasy, the wars are always fully justified — you have the forces of light fighting a dark horde who want to spread evil over the earth. But real history is more complex. There’s a great scene in William Shakespeare’s Henry V where he goes walking among his men in disguise on the eve of the battle of Agincourt and some of them are questioning whether the king’s cause is just or not and lamenting all the people who are going to die to support his claim. That’s a valid question. Then you have the Hundred Year War, which was basically a family quarrel that caused entire generations to be slaughtered. So I try to show that in my writing.

On creating “grey” characters

Grey characters have always interested me the most and I think the world is full of them. I read a lot of history, and I don’t see any purely heroic characters or purely evil characters. You could pick the most extreme examples — Hitler famously loved dogs. Stalin, Mao, Genghis Khan; the great mass murderers of history were all heroic in their mind’s eye. Conversely you can read stories about all the saints from Catholic history and Mother Theresa or Ghandi and you can find things about them that were flawed or questionable actions that they undertook.
We’re all grey and I think we all have the capacity in us to do heroic things and very selfish things. I think understanding that is how you create characters that really have some depth to them. Even when I’m writing someone like Theon Greyjoy, who many people hate, I have to try and see the world through his eyes and make sense of what he does.

Juggling lots of characters takes skill — and luck


I do sometimes wonder if it will be possible to tie up all the loose threads in my saga. I have nightmares when I think about wrapping everything up in the last two books. I think I can do it, but we’ll see when I get to the end. Sometimes these damn characters have a mind of their own and refuse to do what I want them to do. I guess we’ll know if it all comes together in another decade or so!

Remember: Winter is coming

Valar morghulis — all men must die. I think an awareness of our own mortality is something that concerns most art and literature. But I don’t think that necessarily translates to a pessimistic worldview. Just like in the real world, my characters are only here for a short time; the important thing is that love, passion, empathy, laughter; even laughing in the face of death, is still possible. There is darkness in the world but we don’t have to give way to despair. One of the best themes in The Lord of the Rings is that despair is the ultimate crime. Winter is coming, but you can light the torches and drink the wine and gather around the fire and continue to fight the good fight.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Book Promo: The Black Mountain by Kyra Dune

The Black Mountain (Sequel to Dragonstar) by Kyra Dune (YA Epic Fantasy)

Title: The Black Mountain (DragonStar Duology #2)

Author: Kyra Dune

Genre: YA Epic Fantasy

Cover Art: Deron Douglas




Dagen and his companions have left the elven city of Rasha far behind as they continue on their way to the Black Mountain. And the future has never looked more bleak. All Dagen's questions have been answered except one. The most important one. And as he struggles to come to terms with his fate while trying to keep his friends from sharing it, that unanswered question burns bright in his mind. How can a fourteen year old boy, even one with the combined experience and magic of six past lives, ever hope to kill a god?




“This is ridiculous,” Marsida said. “Cassia, would you talk Dagen out of this madness? Please.”

     “No,” she said. “I don’t like it and I don’t think he should do it. But it’s his choice. I can’t make it for him.”

     Now everybody was staring at Dagen, waiting to see what he would do. It’s only water, he told himself. No harm ever came from drinking water. But it was more than just water and he couldn’t fool himself into thinking otherwise. Still, it was a chance and one he felt he had to take. He didn’t think he could make it all the way to the mountains if he had to contend with Badan inside his head on top of everything else.

     Dagen took the stopper off and tipped the vial to his lips. A cold splash of water slid across his tongue and down his throat. There was no taste. For a moment he tensed inside with the uncertain expectation of what might happen next. When nothing happened he sighed and put the stopper back in.

     “See. Nothing happened. I’m fine.” His hand was trembling when he returned the vial to Izet but he thought that was only from being worried over what the water might do to him.

     Izet lowered the chain back around her neck. “Do you feel any different?”

     “Not really. Except I’m colder than I was a minute ago. But I don’t see how that --” His words cut off in a strangled cry as a needle sharp cramp hit his stomach and a shaft of hot pain seared his throat.

     “Dagen?” Cassia started toward him. “What’s wrong?”

     But he couldn’t reply. He could barely even breath. It felt as if a thunderclap hit him right between the eyes and the world went black.

About The Author


Kyra Dune was born in Oklahoma, but spent most of her life travelling with her family. She is the author of more than a dozen fantasy novels, including: Shadow of the Dragon, Elfblood, and Firebrand. As a child, her favorite stories were those that told of ordinary children being whisked away to magical lands. She has yet to find her own secret wardrobe or rabbit hole, but she hasn’t given up the search. You never know what might be waiting over the next rainbow.


Connect With Me: Facebook      Twitter    Blog    Website     Goodreads   Pinterest     

Buy My Books: Amazon   Barnes & Noble   





Saturday, December 27, 2014

Book Promo: Dragons Of War by Kyra Dune

Title: Dragons Of War (Firebrand #3)

Author: Kyra Dune

Genre: YA Sword & Sorcery


With the High King dead and the future of the Ten Kingdoms at stake, the companions have split into two groups. Jada’s group is bound for Waterfall in the north, with the intention of removing the usurper Tarel Andrassis from her throne. Carlan’s group flies south to Slithering, there to hopefully find an ally in the slyph king.

In both directions wait dangers neither group will see coming. Dangers of the flesh and dangers of the heart. In the end, whether the war for the Ten Kingdoms is won or lost, nothing can ever be the same again.


     “And you were just going to let us sleep while some danger crept up on us.” Verdin took a step toward the mage. “You son of a--”

     “Do you know what it is?” Carlan broke in before there could be any trouble.


     Verdin growled with impatience. “Well would you like to enlighten the rest of us?”   

     Zazere sat up and pushed the hood of his robe back. Blue firelight danced in his black eyes. “That would be a dragon. Unless I mistake myself. Which of course I don’t.”

     “Are...” Carlan swallowed back a sudden dryness in his throat. “Are you certain it’s a dragon?”


     Carlan and Verdin exchanged a look, and then Carlan went to kneel beside Rinitha. He gently shook her awake. When she opened her bright blue eyes and looked up at him, he had to try very hard to remain calm.

     “I don’t want you to panic,” he said, “but there may be a dragon somewhere nearby.”

     Rinitha squeaked in alarm as she sat up and grabbed hold of his arm. “What do we do?”

     “There is no cause for alarm I assure you.” Zazere stood, straightening out his black robes. “If you all remain calm, that is.”

     “Forgive me if I don’t take your word for it.” Verdin drew his gun as the sounds came closer.

     Carlan helped Rinitha to her feet, then called his fire up to surround his hands with blue flames. Zazere stepped in front of him. “It would be highly unwise to greet what’s coming with violence.”

     Carlan stared into the mage’s unfathomable black eyes and wished he had the other man’s ability for reading minds. Well, either he was going to trust Zazere or he wasn’t. Time to make up his mind.

     “Put your gun away, Verdin,” Carlan said.

     “What?” Verdin looked over his shoulder. “Are you seriously going to listen to him?”

     Carlan met his gaze. “Yes.” He looked to Sundance. “Stand down, boy.” The young gryphon gave him a quizzical look, then sat back on his haunches. Carlan looked back to Verdin, who was still holding the gun. “Please, trust me.”

     “I trust you fine, Carlan.” Verdin glanced at Zazere, then holstered his gun. “Stand down, Starshine.” The black gryphon sat, but his muscles remained bunched.

     When the dragon entered the cavern it was not at all what Carlan was expecting. It was not much larger than the gryphons and its scales were a rather unremarkable shade of mottled green and brown. But most surprising of all was the fact that it was being led on a chain by a tall slyph woman in gleaming silver chainmail.

     Her gaze swept over them and came to rest on Zazere. “I dare say I think my eyes must be playing tricks on me. Zee Zee, could that really be you? I would have thought you too smart to ever show your face in this kingdom again after you ran away with your tail between your legs like a scalded dog.”

     “It’s good to see you too, Sana. Still prefer the company of large, scaly beasts to men I see.”

About The Author

Kyra Dune was born in Oklahoma, but spent most of her life travelling with her family. She is the author of more than twenty fantasy novels, including: Shadow of the Dragon, Elfblood, and Firebrand. As a child, her favorite stories were those that told of ordinary children being whisked away to magical lands. She has yet to find her own secret wardrobe or rabbit hole, but she hasn’t given up the search. You never know what might be waiting over the next rainbow.

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Friday, December 26, 2014

Book Blast : 32 Seconds by Johanna K. Pitcairn


To the average onlooker, the city of Los Angeles represents glitz, glamour, and the celebrity lifestyle. But to seventeen-year-old Julie Jones, the city is a vast host of problems she’s longing to get away from. The latest? An unfortunate disagreement with her ex-boyfriend Mark—one that could land her in some serious hot water.

So rather than face the troubles that torment her, Julie decides to run away from her old life and start fresh somewhere new. But her parents aren’t on board with the plan, and she soon finds her bank accounts frozen and her wallet empty.

With just seventy-five dollars and a full tank of gas, the troubled teen is far too stubborn to turn around and head home. So what’s a girl to do?

What Julie doesn’t know is that her travels are about to take her somewhere unexpected—a place where she’ll be forced to come face to face with the ghosts of her past in order to secure her future.

A tale of redemption, hope, and freedom lost and found, 32 Seconds is a thought-provoking exploration into the human spirit and the nature of forgiveness.

Available on Amazon

Random Fun Facts:
1) To trigger my inspiration, I binge on Netflix. I pick shows from any genre, and study the dialog and the plot. I also watch video game walkthroughs on YouTube. It's a great help to develop my characters.
2) I can't remember the last time I've had a bad case of writer's block. Plotting helps eliminate that issue. 
3) My biggest pet peeves: misspellings, grammatical errors, and inconsistent formatting. 
4) Julie Jones has named her car "Bubble", and when she swears, she says things like "shizzle", "shizzle nizzle" or "crapola in a peanut butter jar".
5) The original title for the first draft of the story, before it became 32 Seconds, was Death by Chocolate. 
6) Julie Jones loves In&Out burgers, and strawberry milkshakes. 
7) Julie is also a surfer. Her favorite beach is the one in Oceanside, CA. 
8) I'm a cat lover. I have four cats, and they all distract me from writing by taking turns and lying on top of my laptop.

About the Author:

Johanna K. Pitcairn has dreamed of becoming a writer since childhood--authoring her first novel at the age of nine, and countless poems, stories, and screenplays by the age of seventeen. Later, rather than pursuing a career as a director and screenwriter, she decided to go to law school, driven by her father's opinion that "writing does not pay the bills."

Ten years later, she moved to New York City, which inspired her to go back to the excitement, wonder, and constant change of being a writer. Pitcairn is a huge fan of psychological-thriller novels and movies, and delves into her hopes, fears, friends, enemies, and everything in between in her own writing.

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Book Promo: Dragonstar by Kyra Dune

Title: DragonStar (Book One)
Author: Kyra Dune
Genre: YA Epic Fantasy


Dagen is a thief and a good one, at least in his humble opinion. But he has more in mind for his future than picking pockets, and when he comes across the haul of a lifetime, he finally sees a way to impress the boss of his crew, maybe even enough to be made partner.

But things don't go the way Dagen had planned and soon he finds himself on the run with a sack full of stolen jewels, and more, for unknown to him, one of those jewels is the fabled Dragonstar, created in times long past by a powerful sorcerer.

The plan is to head for the port city of Braack, but the Dragonstar has other ideas. From the secret city of thieves, to the ruins of a castle, to the last stronghold of the elves, Dagen's whole life is flipped upside down by visions, haunts, strange beasts, and the looming possibility that one day, he just might have to kill a god.


The scratching sound of the knife against the lock seemed impossibly loud, surely loud enough to wake the dead, and seemed to go on forever. Sweat broke out across Dagen’s brow. It wasn’t the getting in that was worrying him, he had no doubt that Halbert could pick the lock, it was the getting out in one piece that would be tricky.

     A small click, a soft exclamation of success from Halbert, and the backdoor was open. The kitchen was dark, the objects within nothing more than faint outlines in the moonlight. For a moment the boys simply stood there, staring inside, making no move to enter the house.

     Dagen had no way of knowing what Halbert might be thinking or feeling, but as for himself it felt as if he were standing on the edge of a cliff. He could still turn around, could still go back to the safety of the barn, but once he crossed the threshold, once he took the plunge, there would be no turning back from that.

     The idea was frightening enough to make Dagen take a step back. This life might not be the best in the world, but it was the best he’d ever had. If he did this, if he stole from Majul, then he would be out on his own now instead of in four years. And even though they intended to run to Braack, even though he knew there was no way anyone from Barnum could even know what had happened here, the idea of being out from under Majul’s protection was terrifying.

     Halbert stepped into the kitchen and the soft thump of his boots marked his progress toward the cellar door. He probably didn’t even know Dagen wasn’t behind him, which sent a little flutter of guilt through him. He might not be all that experienced in the friend area, but even he knew that you’re supposed to have your friend’s back, especially when you already told them that you would.

     From inside the house there came a soft thrumming sound, followed by a cry born of surprise rather than pain. This was followed by a serious of heavy thumps, each one punctuated by a sound of increasing distress, then silence. The kind of silence that seems to ring with sound.

     Dagen’s breath froze in his lungs; his heart tried to sink down into his stomach while his stomach was trying to crawl up his throat. Some kind of trap, it had to be. Majul was no fool, he’d known they would come for the jewels. But it wasn’t too late, not for Dagen, he could still run and nobody need ever know that he was here.

 About The Author

Kyra Dune was born in Oklahoma, but spent most of her life travelling with her family. She is the author of more than twenty fantasy novels, including: Shadow of the Dragon, Elfblood, and Firebrand. As a child, her favorite stories were those that told of ordinary children being whisked away to magical lands. She has yet to find her own secret wardrobe or rabbit hole, but she hasn’t given up the search. You never know what might be waiting over the next rainbow.

Connect With Me: Facebook      Twitter    Blog    Website     Goodreads   Pinterest

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Book Review: First Frost by Liz DeJesus


For generations, the Frost family has run the Museum of Magical and Rare Artifacts, handing down guardianship from mother to daughter, always keeping their secrets to “family only.”

Gathered within museum’s walls is a collection dedicated to the Grimm fairy tales and to the rare items the family has acquired: Cinderella’s glass slipper, Snow White’s poisoned apple, the evil queen’s magic mirror, Sleeping Beauty’s enchanted spinning wheel…

Seventeen-year-old Bianca Frost wants none of it, dreaming instead of a career in art or photography or…well, anything except working in the family’s museum. She knows the items in the glass display cases are fakes because, of course, magic doesn’t really exist.

She’s about to find out how wrong she is.


My Review

I didn't enjoy this book much. I liked the characters well enough and the story itself was all right, but I couldn't get into it. For one thing, it made no sense to me that Rose had kept so much of the family history a secret from Bianca. I get that she wanted her daughter to have a chance at a normal life but with all that was going on she actually put her life at risk by keeping so many secrets. Also, I found several places where the story contradicted itself. True, they were smallish details like saying in one paragraph a room was pitch black and in the next that someone stepped out of the shadows, but each one jarred me out of the flow of the story.

The magical battle scenes were kind of cool, but they fell a little flat on the description. And Bianca mastered her skills much too quickly. The story did have some unexpected twists, but they didn't hit me as hard as they might have because I wasn't emotionally invested in the story.

First Frost wasn't a bad book, really, it simply wasn't for me.


Monday, December 22, 2014

Book Promo: Edge by Jaime Magee

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Reveca Beauregard had long ago been dubbed the Queen of Darkness by the dead. To the living she was known as the Pentacle Daughter, the only acknowledged female member of the Pentacle Sons MC, the most lethal biker correlation known to exist. She was rumored to be a witch. That rumor, of course, was true.
New Orleans was her home, at the Beauregard Boneyard, the safe haven the Club resided within. Only those in the inner circle were as Reveca was—immortal. To be as such you had to choose the life, and the life had to choose you. For either to occur, death came first.
Those deaths came from wars the Sons fought with both the mortal and immortal worlds, as they bent the decrees of the modern lawmen and the paranormal world at large who had no hope of opposing the dark splendor of their vengeance.
Presently, the mysterious murder of a mortal coupled with the cold-blooded slaying of Reveca’s close friend has led the lawmen to place their corrupt accusations upon the Sons. A forced barter with a Lord of Death has landed the Club with a soul that is set to rock the foundation the Sons as a whole stand upon.
About Jamie Magee
Jamie Magee has always believed that each of us have a defining gift that sets us apart from the rest of the world, she has always envied those who have known from their first breath what their gift was. Not knowing hers, she began a career in the fast paced world of business. Raising a young family, and competing to rise higher in that field would drive some to the point of insanity, but she always found a moment of escape in a passing daydream. Her imagination would take her to places she’d never been, introduce her to people she’s never known. Insight, her debuting novel, is a result of that powerful imagination. Today, she is grateful that not knowing what defined her, led her on a path of discovery that would always be a part of her.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Book Promo: City Of Magic by Kyra Dune

Title: City Of Magic (Elfblood Trilogy Book Three)
Author: Kyra Dune
Genre: YA Dystopian


Charlie has finally reached the City Of Magic, where waits the lost elven magic he has been searching for. But the city is a ruin, his friends are missing, and there is a darkness known only as the Void slowly creeping over everything.

When Charlie comes across a group of elves, he hopes they will be able to help him locate the Silver Catacombs. But everything is not as it seems. There are two groups of elves in the city, one who resists the Void and one who worships it. It’ll be up to Charlie to figure out who his true allies are. Danger lurks around every crumbling ruin and betrayal always comes from within.


The dark one roared out its fury. Then it attacked, slamming its will against Thomas’ and trying to drive him out. It was strong. So strong. But Thomas held on, seeking a way to force it to release its hold over the wraiths. He dug himself deeper into the dark one’s mind. Mental claws raked across his consciousness, filling him with a red hot pain the likes of which he’d never before felt. Still, he clung stubbornly to his tenuous hold and drove his will further down through layers of black bile that burned and stung. Fighting for control.

The dark one cried out as Thomas struck a vulnerable spot, wounding it. It lost its grip on the wraiths. But in doing so it freed itself to turn the full power of its fury on Thomas. Before he could escape, he found himself entangled in the web of the dark one’s mind as it grabbed at him. It was furious he had won even so small a victory and intent on making certain he didn’t live to enjoy it.

Fresh waves of pain rolled over Thomas. He struggled to break free, but it was no good. He had used up all his strength and now he was drowning. He was suffocating. He was dying.

Somewhere above him, crimson light burned in the darkness. A flicker of flames that grew brighter as a red dragon hurtled toward him, spewing fire along the way.

About The Author

Kyra Dune was born in Oklahoma, but spent most of her life travelling with her family. She is the author of more than twenty fantasy novels, including: Shadow of the Dragon, Elfblood, and Firebrand. As a child, her favorite stories were those that told of ordinary children being whisked away to magical lands. She has yet to find her own secret wardrobe or rabbit hole, but she hasn’t given up the search. You never know what might be waiting over the next rainbow.

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