Thursday, October 31, 2013

Feature: Louise Herman, author of Split Blood

Today I'd like to welcome Louise Herman to The Shadow Portal. She's stopping by as part of her virtual book tour.
Name of Book: Split Blood: The Ancient Codex - Part One
Author: Louise Herman
Date of Publication: December 14, 2012 (Kindle)
Publisher: Mystical Media Publications
Pages: 333
Genre: YA, Urban Fantasy
Paperback or Kindle: Both
Book Description
When Faith’s mother starts organising the second stage of her arranged marriage to wizard, Damien, Faith knew she needed to escape, so she used her school as a place to retreat.
Throughout her after school duties, she meets the intense, alluring Rohan, who changes her life forever.
With his ice cold skin, transfixing eyes and enchanting voice, Rohan took hold of Faith’s heart and soul as soon as they looked at each other.
She knew it was wrong.
They were from two different circles and if the Elder’s found out, the consequences would be catastrophic for all involved, but the more time they spent together, the stronger they’re love grew, until one day someone sees them...
Will their love be strong enough to combat their conflicting mythical needs? And what will they do when Faith is dealt a life threatening blow that forces her to make a heartbreaking decision?
This is a section from Chapter Two of 'Split Blood: The Ancient Codex - Part One':
"We were helping put away the paints Mrs Baxter had used in her last lesson to express how colours can change the mood, appearance and message of a piece of art, when Dara walked in to get some pencils. ‘Hi ladies - slogging away as usual, I see! Are you doing this to get a higher grade? If you are, move over and let me get in on it!’ she joked as she pushed Lily aside and started helping to tidy her section. As Lily nearly fell to the floor, we all started laughing and Dara helped her up.
Mrs Baxter came in and gave Dara an extra task to do before she went back to her own classroom; with that she bade us farewell and we continued to clean the room.
Busying myself washing the pots, I almost didn’t notice Lily’s bright red face as her gaze seemingly froze, focused on the door. ‘Did you hurt yourself?’ I asked, concerned that maybe Dara had nudged her too hard. ‘No, no. I’m okay,’ Lily responded as she snapped out of her daydream and started to look for something else to clean. I tried to ignore it, but her manner had changed.
She was quieter than usual and she seemed distant and slightly upset. ‘Lily, it’s clear that something’s not quite right,’ I broached the subject as I sat her down and cupped her hands in mine. ‘We’re supposed to be friends. You know you can tell me anything,’ I added quietly, just in case we weren’t alone.
She looked around the room to check she was safe but just as she was about to speak out, she shook her head and responded, ‘Really it’s nothing.’
Sensing she was lying, I continued to question. I followed her around the room and refused to let it go until I saw a slightly brighter Lily - the Lily that I knew and enjoyed being around. ‘I won’t let this rest until you tell me. Maybe I can help?’ I supposed as I spun her round to face me. This was my big mistake.
The room went dark and the once-clear skies turned gloomy and sinister. Wind began to howl at the now shaking windows of the room and her face immediately morphed from that of a young, beautiful, dainty girl to that of a red-eyed hag with veins pulsing, radiating electrical bolts with her every move. The room began to shake and the door was slammed shut as I tried to escape.
The rage seemed to be very specifically limited to the classroom; no one came to help me when I screamed, so I sat down on the floor and thought whether I could possibly use my own powers to save me from this banshee.
She came towards me, firing bolts at the tables, disintegrating everything in her path, and was finally stood face to face, in front of me.
With my head between my knees, I could feel the energy pulsing from her as I raised my arms to create a force field around myself.
I stood up, ready to fight back, but was distracted when I found she wasn’t attacking me. Instead, she just stood there and began to cry. Without moving or speaking, I watched, waiting for her fry me; she merely fell to the floor and with her crying, she began to flood the floor around her.
The torrent of tears showed no sign of ceasing and I realised that if I didn’t do something quickly, we would drown with minutes. ‘Please don’t cry. What’s wrong, Lily?’ I begged as she finally started to resemble the pretty teenager I remembered.
I went over to hug her and was relieved she responded in kind and didn’t try to attack me.
She looked round and assessed the damage, as if reading my mind. ‘Don’t worry about it. That was one of the first spells I learned - mum is always trying to get me to clean my room when I really just want to go out,’ I joked, as I convinced her I could use magic to put the room back to normal before anyone came back.
With her head in my arms, we sat on the floor in silence for a few minutes, waiting. When I could bear it no longer, I delicately broached the topic again. ‘So, do you want to tell me why you went psycho-fairy on me?’ I laughed, attempting to lighten the mood. She chuckled in response, and lifted her head to look at me.
I backed away slightly as I nervously waited for her answer. ‘I’m sorry I’m just finding this fairy stuff really hard. Sometimes when I’m stressed I can’t control it. Normally I’m fine, but-’ she confessed, leaving me with more questions than when I started.
I paced myself and allowed her to get herself back together before I continued. ‘What made you so stressed? Was it me?’ I asked as I quickly whispered my spell. I prayed it had worked and the room was back in order.
She shook her head and came over to give me a hug and apologise for scaring me.
After confirming I was okay (I said that I just cared about her wellbeing), she looked me in the eye, cupped her hands around my head and said gravely, ‘You are my best friend. I’m so happy to have met you - but you cannot help me with this. I don’t want to get you involved.’
I looked at her with a puzzled expression and tried to assure her I would always be there for her, at which she turned away from me: ‘We are from different circles and have different problems. You want to get out of your circle because you are sick of your life revolving around marriage. I can’t cope with being in my circle because they won’t accept me for being the person I am’.
Sick of the riddles, I began to get annoyed and didn’t realise that I’d snapped slightly at her. ‘And who are you?’
Before I could apologise for my tone, she spun round and faced me with a stony, determined glare, and went on: ‘I’m a gay fairy. I’ll be sent away - or worse - if I express my feelings for Dara.’
Before I could wipe the shocked expression from my face, Mrs Baxter entered the classroom, thanked us for our hard work and dismissed us. Stunned, shaken and dazed at my best friend’s revelation, I silently walked out a pace or two ahead of Lily, leading us straight into a group of foreboding vampires.
A group of four boys stood in our path, refusing to move. I could sense this wasn’t going to be an easy one to escape. ‘So, what are you two doing alone together? Are you the rebels of your circles?’ one of the boys mocked glancing at the other three. They all started to edge closer.
I looked at Lily and was surprised to see her standing her ground and refusing to move back. Feeling considerably less confident than my compatriot, I grabbed her hand and prayed for Mrs Baxter to come out and ask us to help her with something she had forgotten to do.
But there was nothing.
The boys continued to ridicule us for being without our circle members. With every word, they edged closer to us until our backs were tight against the hallway wall and I could feel the breath of the ringleader on my cheek. ‘What do you want from us?’ Lily asked boldly, as the ringleader opened his mouth - we both saw the shine of the daggers.
They all laughed as the fear began to show on our faces; they poked and jibed at us like we were pieces of meat from their latest kill.
Seeing the ringleader’s eyes glow an intimidating yellow, I knew at this point I would never see my family again. I closed my eyes and began to sob helplessly; I had missed the new drama that was occurring around me.
Prying myself from my blind, fearful state, I felt a flurry of air and slowly opened my eyes just in time to see the ringleader go flying, as if in slow-motion, through the air and clatter into the row of lockers on the opposite side of the hallway.
He lay there for a few minutes, dazed and confused, as his followers went to help him up.
Unable to see the cause, I grabbed Lily and took advantage of our release from these blood-suckers and, trying to ignore the sounds of battle behind us; we kept our heads firmly down and ran towards the main exit. 
Just as I put my hand on the door handle to make our break for freedom, all went silent.
I simply couldn’t go through the door without looking over my shoulder.
‘Don’t look back! Open the door!’ Lily screamed frantically as tried to drag me through the exit. Nevertheless, I turned my head slowly to catch a glimpse.
It looked like a battleground.
I could not see the casualties through all the blood but I knew from my research of vampires in ‘The Ancient Codex’, it would take a lot more than tears of the skin, deep wounds or even oceans of blood to kill such resilient beings.
I was satisfied that we were out of harm’s way but somehow my mind jolted back to self-defence as I felt something on my shoulder.
I grabbed Lily, pulled her close towards me and without warning a force field formed around us, expelling the hand - and the person it was attached to - to the back of the hallway, ‘GO!’ Lily screamed. This time, I didn’t look back and we ran all the way home.
My priority was to make sure Lily got home first. To avoid being seen together, I dropped her to the edge of the woods and left her to walk the rest of the way, casting a protection spell over her to ensure she arrived safely. ‘You won’t say anything about what I told you, will you?’ she pleaded as I gave her a hug and reminded her of the strength of our friendship.
Walking the rest of the journey alone, I was nervous - cautious and suspicious of the slightest sound or movement.
Not only was I shocked that I could form a force field more than once, but that it had the power to kill whatever tried to attack me.
With this realisation, I began to feel a smugness come over me. I let down my guard and focused on what new spells I could try when I got home. With my mind distracted for a minute, the next thing I knew, I was off my feet and thrown to the side of the road.
I hit my head on a tree and was left unconscious for a few minutes. After using my other senses to force my way back into consciousness, I assessed my new surroundings. I could feel the crunching of leaves beneath my hands and the sound of running water in the far distance.
My eyes were gradually focusing on a tall, black figure in front of me, splashing water on my face. The water shocked me back into reality and I could see the cause of my disorientation.
He was 5 feet 11 inches, of a muscular build, with short jet black hair and a creamy white complexion.
He helped me sit up, seemingly very concerned for my health as he assessed my eyes and limbs for damage. ‘I’m so sorry if I hurt you, but I guess we’re even now,’ he joked as my sight came back to normal and I saw this beautiful vision before me.
‘We’re even?’ I mumbled as I got back to my feet and looked around to see if there was anyone else nearby.
I raised my hands to defend myself, which seemed to amuse him even more. ‘Whoa there!’ he continued, ‘Put those guns down. I’m not here to get blasted by you again. I just wanted to check you were okay.’ I looked at him, still apprehensive of his kindness. When I finally felt happy there was no one else waiting to pounce, I lowered my hands. ‘Who are you?’ I asked, watching his every move like a hawk.
He walked towards me, put his hand on the lower area of my back and ushered me to walk through the woods with him. ‘I’m the one who helped you out back there. Is that how you thank all your rescuers?’ he joked as I looked at him with a scowl on my face.
‘I didn’t need rescuing. I could have sorted them out myself,’ I retorted as I batted his hand away and picked up my pace slightly.
My walk got ever faster and I soon broke into a run.
I ran so fast I could no longer see this mysterious stranger; I only slowed down when I saw my house ahead. 
Walking through the undergrowth, I was tripped by a branch wrapped around my ankle and as I tugged and pulled at the vine, I was lifted in the air and freed from its grasp. ‘Why are you making it so hard to get to know you?’ he asked as he smiled at my attempts to push him away.
‘Maybe it’s because you sweep in, try to rescue me - even though I had it under control - and now you’re stalking me without even telling me your name. Excuse me for being a bit apprehensive,’ I spat as he laughed, and I realised who or what he was … Why was he fighting his own kind?
This thought swept through my brain for a second before he read my mind and he confessed, ‘Sorry. My name is Rohan and, yes, I’m one of them - in appearance only. I just want to get to know you because I remember seeing you at school a few years ago and you seemed pretty cool back then. I wondered if you were still the same!’
I couldn’t believe this was the boy who risked his kind being exposed when we first started school by using his powers on that Namuh. I was intrigued, desperate to know more. I needed to know where he’d been and why this vampire wanted to risk it all to speak to me.
It was overwhelming, stupid of him but as much as my mind screamed its disapproval, I was curious about this mystifying being. I nodded my agreement and, with that, he kissed my hand and we vowed to find a way of spending time getting to know each other without getting caught or putting our families at risk.
Without admitting it, the sheer touch of his lips on my shaking hands made me shiver from head to toe and I knew, no matter how much I denied it, I was starting to develop more than just a thirst for knowledge about this unusual vampire.
I knew I was in trouble."
What inspired you to write this book?
I absolutely love YA Fantasy novels but recently found that many stories were quite similar to the more popular books on the market and it bored me slightly so I thought about how I would write a YA Urban Fantasy novel which was different to the ones I have read but not too distant from the original characteristics of the popular characters in these books.
I was a little annoyed that most of these books had female leads who were always being rescued by a broody hero, so that was the first thing I wanted to change in my book but I also wanted to set myself a challenge to see if I could mix more than one magical circle in with the human world, with each character from these individual circles having their own emotional issues and deadly secrets.
Can you give us an interesting fact about your book that isn't in the blurb?
Many people who have read this book have stated that they did not expect to read the African or Gypsy magical aspects due to the genre of book. They also stated that these elements made it more unique as the magic described by these two separate cultures were explained well giving it a fresh new edge, which is a fantastic compliment as my aim was to create a different type of YA Urban Fantasy novel which challenged certain areas of these genres.  
What do you consider the most important part of a good story?
Everyone’s needs from a good story are different but for myself, I would be happy if I was reading a book which surprises me by drifting away from the ‘norm’. Also, I love it when there is an overall message to a story, as I think it makes the storyline deeper and draws you in further, which in turn (for myself) makes me remember the book. 
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
Unfortunately I am a plotter. I cannot just write a chapter as I go along as I do get writer’s block a lot and need something to bring my creative juices back to me and keep me focused on the storyline.
What part of the writing process is the hardest for you?
I find the beginning the hardest part of the writing process as I have so many ideas that sometimes even when I try to plan each chapter, I can get overwhelmed and have to read back each page numerous times to make sure I am happy with what I have written.
What tips can you give on how to get through writers block?
My advice would be step away for a few days, do anything that will take your focus away from your book and then go back to it when you are relaxed and ready to welcome new ideas to the page.
What kind of music do you like to listen to while you write?
I am a bit of a music magpie as I love all types of music but it depends on my mood and the mood I am trying to create with the particular character, situation or chapter. I love anything from classic to rock music and especially love posting my stories on Wattpad (username: FantasyFairy) as I can post music videos on each chapter which enhances the reader’s experience whilst reading the scene.
Who is your favorite character from a book?
It would be hard to choose just one as I think some of the characters in the book have elements of my own personality throughout the years, however if I had to choose I would say my favorite character is Faith the Witch because she is sassy, curious and is a strong heroine who isn’t afraid to speak her mind or go against the rules for the bigger picture.
Have you had anything else published?
In February 2013, I published the prequel novella trilogy, ‘The Orcus Games’ which tells the story of the trials and tribulations the ‘Split Blood’ character’s parents dealt with when the ‘Split Blood’ beings were younger.
The deadly drama’s set the path for the ‘Split Blood’ individuals as the events in these three books show how these experiences help shape each character’s personalities, issues with the demands their circles inflict upon them and also provides a backdrop to their magical world in      more detail.
What's your next project?
I am currently working on the second book in the ‘Split Blood’ series, which will be published on 31st November 2013 and after this I will take a little break as I will be working on my paranormal story which will be published on Wattpad Only.
For more information on my work please go to my website: or if you are a member of Wattpad, please Follow Me (FantasyFairy) and join me on this magical journey!
About the Author
I currently live in Yorkshire, England, and have always enjoyed writing stories which would take people to different, magical worlds. 
Along with writing, I also love to indulge in my confectionery addiction - pear drop sweets and am a fan of 80s Fantasy films such as 'Legend', 'Dark Crystal' and 'Labyrinth'. 
I also adore Guillermo del Toro for his direction on the fantasy film, 'Pan's Labyrinth', which epitomises the theme of my books - fantasy escapism, strong female heroines, unique magical side characters with their own explosive, taboo secrets and deliciously dark situations, which have a new style of distinctive paranormal conclusions. 
I use my passion for fantasy films, and music, to help me create my unique YA, Fantasy stories and I have been able to use these passions to enhance my stories even further by attaching music onto my stories on Wattpad, which helps the reader be further immersed into my fantasy worlds.
Other Information
Book two in the Split Blood Series will be on Amazon and Smashwords on 30 NOVEMBER 2013!
                                                                 Authors Links


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Flash Fiction Challenge

This week on Chuck Wendig's flash fiction challenge we were given a list of twenty subgenres and we were supposed to use a random number generator to pick two of them and write a smashup story. I ended up with post apocalyptic horror/mythology. So here it is.


Lightning crackled across the night sky. Gray storm clouds hung low, promising rain that would never come. Sarah Henley and her two-year old daughter, Mara, lay huddled together in the safety of their makeshift shelter, listening to the ominous rumble of thunder. A sound, something not part of the dry storm, brought Sarah up to her knees. She reached for her gun, only to recall she'd used the last of her silver bullets on a hellhound the day before and had not yet managed to acquire any more. So she turned to her backup weapon, a five foot, twin bladed samurai sword. Gripping the hilt of the sword tight, she leaned over and kissed Mara on the forehead. "Momma will be right back, baby."

The world outside their shelter was lit with a soft pink glow. The reflection of flames against the clouds. When the fires finally burned out she and Mara would find themselves enveloped in darkness thick as a heavy blanket. Sarah didn't like to think of that. She looked north, where she would normally have seen the Golden Gate Bridge. But the bridge, like so many other once familiar things, was long gone.

A sound of metal striking cement came from within the old fort battery. Sarah refused to take cover there, too many ways for something to sneak up on her. She glanced back at the shelter, which was covered on all sides by thin sheets of silver foil. It was hard to leave Mara there alone but if someone, or something, was encroaching on their turf it was best to deal with it quick.

It was much darker inside the battery. Cooler too, with the cement walls holding out the heated air. Sarah slowly stalked the halls. Her sneakers hardly made a sound, but even a slight noise would surely alert  the intruder to her presence. She thought about taking her shoes off, then decided against it. If she had to run she'd rather not do it barefoot.

The sound she'd heard did not repeat itself and she began to wonder if it was all in her imagination. Ever since the Collapse, paranoia was a common condition among the survivors. Paranoia could be good, it could keep you alive, but it could also drive you mad, make you hear things, see things, and with Mara depending on her Sarah couldn't afford to start slipping in that direction.

She was about to give it up and go back to the shelter, when she turned a corner and came to a startled stop. Her mouth gaped at the sight of a tall, grey stallion standing in the middle of the empty room. About a month ago, Grady had claimed he saw one of the horsemen and everybody laughed. Two days later the pox got him and he was dead. Nobody was laughing after that.

Sarah backed away, unable to take her gaze from the stallion's eyes. He looked like a normal horse. Maybe he was a normal horse who simply wandered in here from somewhere. It was possible. Surely more possible than a horseman come to visit this little, isolated spot she'd claimed as her own.

A whimper slipped past her lips. She thought of Mara and what would become of the little girl with no one to look after her. Something warm brushed against the back of Sarah's neck and she froze with her breath caught in her chest. Slowly, she turned, the hilt of her sword gripped even tighter in a sweat soaked hand.

Behind her stood a tall, dark eyed man, dressed as if he'd stepped out some movie about Greek gladiators.  All gold and blood red with a plumed helmet atop his head and a broadsword in his hand.

Sarah had spent most of the last three years fighting hellhounds, wraiths, and all manner of other Tartarus spawned creatures. She had even once shot down a harpy from a rooftop using a bow and arrow. But to face a horseman was too much.

scape was the key to survival. If only she could get Mara and get away from here, surely the horseman wouldn't give chase. Sarah didn't think about what she was going to do. Thinking too much was a sure way to get yourself killed.

She spun around and ran toward the stallion. No way to know how it would react to her pulling herself up into the saddle and no time to worry about it. The stallion didn't bolt or buck or even shy away and when Sarah kicked her heels into its sides, it jumped forward toward the doorway. Sarah leaned low to assure she wouldn't slam her head into the top of the arch.

As they passed the horseman, Sarah gave her sword a one-handed spin, not even imagining she could harm him but only hoping to prevent him from turning his broadsword on her. The blades of the sword whistled as they cut through the air.

With a thunderous pounding of hooves, the stallion raced out of the battery and into the warm night. Sarah pulled back on the reins when they neared the shelter, then leapt from the saddle and dove inside to retrieve her daughter. The little girl lay sound asleep on the blankets.

Sarah started to lay aside the sword, only to pause when she saw blood splattered across both blades. Was it possible? Only one way to find out. She gathered up her weapons and her daughter and stepped back outside. She glanced at the battery, knowing what she had in mind was crazy. But then, Grady had always said she was a little crazy.

"Hold on tight, baby," Sarah said as she settled Mara into the saddle. The little girl obediently grasped the pommel with both hands, never saying a word.

Taking the reins, Sarah led the stallion back inside the battery. Back to the hall where she first saw the horseman. A pile of golden armor lay on the floor. No more than that. When she reached down to touch the helmet, it shrank beneath her fingers until it was just her size. It turned silver, then the plume fell away and the sides of the helmet shifted to form a pair of wings. Sarah picked the helmet up and settled it on her head.

The broadsword was much too large and heavy a thing for her to lift, but she tried it anyway. And was only mildly surprised when it transformed into a slim katana before her eyes. Sarah gave the sword a few experimental swings, then turned to Mara and smiled. "Looks like momma's going hunting."








Thursday, October 24, 2013

Feature: Andrea Buginsky, author of Destiny (New Avalon #1)

Today, I'm featuring Andrea Buginsky, author of The New Avalon Series, as part of her virtual book tour. Be sure to see the end of the post, where you can enter to win a copy of the first book in the series, Destiny.
Elena Baxter has spent her life desperately wanting to fit in. She’s used to being teased and taunted by the popular girls, but when she celebrates her sweet sixteen birthday and receives two amazing gifts—the power of telekinesis, and the truth about her heritage—she has high hopes that things will change. But her wish does not come true, and Elena is bullied just as she was before, only this time her hurt feelings and frustration boil into something even she cannot understand. When an explosion hits, chaos ensues and she learns that her new power just might be bigger than she is. 
She embarks on a journey to a secret island to learn how to control her powers, and she’s thrown into a different world, one where she just might be able to fit in. What Elena learns about her heritage forces her to face her past – and the demons it created – head on. 

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Elena was getting upset as she defended her family’s honor. She wasn’t thinking about where that might lead. She wasn’t thinking at all.

“Why, Elena, I didn’t mean to upset you.  I just meant that-“

“I know exactly what you meant, Barbara Thomas! You think your family is better than anyone else in this town. You always have. Just because your dad happens to be the former mayor’s son doesn’t mean you own this town and everyone in it! I’m so sick of your mock sentiment when all you really feel is that you’re better than everyone. You’re no better than the rest of us!”  

As she yelled, things around her felt funny, and she realized she heard screaming. She looked around, and was startled to see everyone staring at her, horrified. She took a deep breath, and realized what had happened. She let her emotions get away from her, and her powers erupted.

The only words she could think of to describe the scene around her were total chaos.  Every locker had burst open, and the entire contents – books, folders, papers, pictures, mirrors, backpacks – had come flying out. The posters on the walls were scattered everywhere. Most of the students and teachers were picking themselves up off the floor. Elena knew her powers had gotten totally out of hand, and she made everything around her fly out of control, literally.

She heard footsteps walking toward her, the only sound in the hall. She looked up and saw her counselor, Mrs. Adams, walking toward her. She gently took Elena by the shoulder and guided her to her office. She looked back and saw Barb and the other Bimbettes staring at her, as well as everyone else in the hall.

What inspired you to write this book?

 I love King Arthur stories, especially those about the Lady of the Lake, which you don't see too often, so I decided to write one myself. I wanted the story to take place in modern times, and feature teens dealing with everything involved in the magical realm: receiving powers and having to deal with them, while still dealing with everything that comes with being a teen.

Can you give us an interesting fact about your book that isn't in the blurb?

One of the supporting characters, Izzy, is going through some tragic personal issues. It is the spark for book 2.

How did you choose your title?

New Avalon was my original title because the story takes place there. When I realized it was going to be a series, I kept that for the series title. I chose Destiny for book 1 because it's all about Elena learning about and coming to terms with her destiny.

 Tell us about the cover and how it came to be.

It was originally designed for a different book of mine, but it didn't quite fit that one. As I was writing Destiny, I kept looking at the cover and realized it was a perfect fit. I asked the designer, Natasha Brown, to change the title, and it came out perfect!

Did you self-publish or publish traditionally and why?

I self-published this book. My first three books were published with an independent publisher. The company gave me a wonderful start to my writing career, but I realized I wanted to do more with my books. I wanted to have total control over them. So, I decided to self-publish this one and see how it went. I'm very happy with my decision, so far.

What do you consider the most important part of a good story?

Characters you can fall in love with, a plot that makes you want to keep reading until the end, and an ending that makes the reader happy.

What is your writing process?

I don't have one. I've tried to create one, but it just doesn't work for me. I write when I feel the muse inspiring me. Sometimes, I'll have to go look for her. To do that, I'll read what I've written so far, then continue the story from there.

How long have you been writing?

Seriously writing? Six years. But I've always loved to write, even as a kid, and enjoyed writing papers for school.

How did you get started writing?

Ah, this is a story I love to tell. I was planning to go into the medical field, but towards the end of my sophomore year in college, I realized it wasn't right for me. So, I was faced with, "What do I want to be when I grow up?" My sister said, "You love to write, why not do that?" And the rest is history.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

Definitely a pantser, though sometimes I have to plot to get the story moving along.

What part of the writing process is the hardest for you?

Receiving feedback. I listen to it, but sometimes, it stings.

What tips can you give on how to get through writers block?

*laughs* Pretty much what I said earlier: Read what you have so far, and continue from there. Read books or watch movies that are a similar genre to your writing. Sometimes seeing other stories similar to yours will kick off ideas for yours.

What kind of music do you like to listen to while you write?

Adult Contemporary, at least, I think that's what it's called these days. We used to call it Pop Music. I'm talking about artists like Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Richard Marx... But with a mix of country artists like Carrie Underwood, Brad Paisley and Faith Hill. The Celine Dion channel on Pandora works perfectly!

Who is your favorite author?

JK Rowling

Who is your favorite character from a book?

Harry Potter

What is your favorite book?

I don't think I have just one. I love series: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Twilight.

Read anything good lately?

Tons! Snow Sisters series by Melissa Foster, Magical Cures series by Tonya Kappes, An Unfortunate Beginning by Natasha Brown, Priscilla the Great series by Sybil Nelson.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

Watch TV

What advice would you give an author just starting out?

Never give up. Keep working for what you want. Write what you want to write.

Have you had anything else published?

Yes, three more books: The Chosen, My Open Heart, Nature's Unbalance: The Chosen, book 2

What's your next project?

Fate: New Avalon, book 2

About the Author:

Andrea Buginsky is a freelance writer and author. “The Chosen,” a middle-grade fantasy novelette was her first book, and was followed by “My Open Heart,” an autobiography about growing up with heart disease. “Nature’s Unbalance” is the second story in THE CHOSEN series. Andrea is currently working NEW AVALON, a YA fantasy series. Book 1, "Destiny," is available on Amazon

Connect with the Author:

Tour Schedule:
24th October

25th October

26th October

28th October

1 Digital copy of The Chosen by Andrea Buginsky to the best reviewer of this tour
1 Digital Copy of Destiny

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Hosts!

1. Kalyan @ Heavens Garden  23. Sanchit @ Musings of Immortals  
2. Michael @ Michael Scifan - Interview  24. Margaret @ Literary Chanteuse  
3. Justine @ The YA Lit Chic  25. Chuckles @ Chuckles Book Cave  
4. Anna @ Wicked Book Addict  26. DDS @ b00k r3vi3ws  
5. Marni @ Word to Dreams  27. Evening eBook Read  
6. Lianne @ Book Reviews  28. Freda @ Freda's Voice  
7. Myra @ Pieces of Whimsy  29. Rae  
8. Sam @ Rockin' & Reviewing - Interview  30. Candy @ Just Me, Myself & I  
9. Kyra @ The Shadow Portal - Interview  31. Tanya @ Book Loving Hippo  
10. Annamaria @ Annamaria's Writing Corner - Guest Post  32. Angelique @ Why I Can't Stop Reading  
11. Leslie @ That Chick that Reads - Review  33. Paul @ Sher A Hart : Written Art  
12. Andreea @ Book's Blog  34. Jacquel @ She Reviews Everything  
13. Books are Love  35. Tegan @ T and a Book - Review  
14. Jenn  36. Kathy @ Bookmarks, Spoilers & Happily Everafter  
15. Niyati @ Books, Food and Me  37. Heather @ A Little Bit of R&R  
16. serena @ poetree  38. Elizabeth @ Elizabeth McKenna's Blog  
17. Cremona @ Mythical Books  39. Maniparna @ Scattered Thoughts  
18. Njkinny @ Njkinny's World of Books - Review  40. Brittany @ The Passionate Bookworm  
19. Laura @ Colorimetry  41. Becky @ Becky on Books & Quilts  
20. Joanna @ Words & Tea Bottles  42. Heather @ The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty Something Old Girl  
21. Rachel @ The Rest is Still Unwritten  43. Mindy @ Books, Books & More Books  
22. Vinny @ Books Are My Best Friends  

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