Hello and welcome to the Spread Some Love Indie Blog Hop!!
Today, I'm featuring a self published novel of my own, plus the novels of five other authors. Be sure and scroll all the way down to enter the giveaway. To see all the blogs be sure and visit www.b00kr3vi3ws.in
YA Dystopian Fantasy
Charlie is an elfblood, descended of a conquered people brought to the brink of extinction in the aftermath of a long war. Being able to pass for human gives Charlie an advantage over most of his kind. Only those who look at his record or those he chooses to tell, need ever know his secret. Growing up in an orphanage is hard enough without having to live with that stigma.
When soldiers come and haul the kids off to a prison work camp, Charlie finds himself no longer able to hide the truth of what he is. If that isn’t bad enough, the magic buried inside him is growing stronger and more out of control. As Charlie struggles with his own problems, and with the dangers of the work camp, he finds himself swept up in a much larger struggle, one whose outcome could decide the future of the world.
Great Britain has been evacuated and quarantined, access is forbidden. When a mysterious message is received, they send in a Army Section to investigate. What they discover will send them on a journey through hell, can they survive, can they make it out within 24 hours.
An unexpected meeting. A match born of legend and fire.
Helena has always been a powerful witch. She learned early on of her affinity with fire and it has served her well. While trying to help her friend, she starts having her own strange dreams. Then, she meets an Archangel, and everything starts falling into place.
Archangel Michael, Lead Warrior for the Angels of Light, doesn't know whether to strangle Helena, or kiss her, when they first meet. What he does know is her story intrigues him, and he must help her find the answers she seeks.
In searching for those answers, they uncover a prophecy surrounding Helena. This discovery sends them on an quest to the different realms of the Universe. As the war between Dark and Light continues on Earth, will they find that which they seek? Or is the Earth doomed to fall into darkness?
Maeve was six when they took her mother away, and left her in the care of her Uncle Lou: a drunk, a misogynist, a fraud.
For eleven years she's lived with him in Falside's slums, deep in the silt of the Falwere River. She bottles his miracle medicine, stocks his apothecary shop, and endures his savage temper.
But as his violence escalates, and his lies come undone, she devises a plan to escape him forever. Even if it means people have to die.
Anella is the black sheep of the royal family. Determined to find a way in her world, she works her frustration off in secret by trying to figure out how those tournament competitors made their use of the sword look so effortless and beautiful. Then an uncle she knew nothing about returned to exact revenge for some crime lost between him had his brother.
Forced to pass as a boy, using armor as her disguise, she had to run. With a skill she'd accepted would never venture beyond the nighttime exercises, she was determined to place well enough to win a personal meeting with her uncle. But that wasn't the only reason she needed to travel around the country. Under the guise of a tournament competitor, she could meet with all the families married into hers and assemble the army she might need to take back the throne of her father.
Princess Bennua is to be married. The daughter of a sultan, her duty is to marry a powerful yet cruel warlord to be her husband, sealing an alliance that will scare the desert of Sahrahn into submission. But the wedding is halted in place when the infamous Raider Prince, king of thieves and leader of the dark city Ashana, threatens to take her city by force.
Sacrificing her freedom for her country, Bennua agrees to accompany the Raider Prince on his travels if he leaves her homeland alone. Stolen from her charmed life Bennua begins to learn the truth of what lies beyond the palace walls and the suffering that plagues Sahrahn’s people. Bennua begins to plan her escape, but the more she learns from the thieves the more she finds herself becoming one of the them...all while falling hard for their leader, the Raider Prince himself.
A world where myth, legend, and religion have been sacrificed on the altar of science.
Forty-three years after the Silk Revolution, Corporal Ray Franklin, from the elite 10th Legion, stumbles across a secret that upends his life. His personal quest to find the twin brother he never knew he had takes him on a journey from the Bucket Towns of his birth through the deadly political schemes of the eponymous capital city of Aijlan. The suspense culminates in a thrilling showdown where a series of revelations punch a hole through the society Ray thought he was protecting.
Set against a background of genetic technology, a looming energy crisis, and modern day pain science, Franklin is an epic tale of haves and have-nots, where love, loss, loyalty, hate, and revenge stalk a dystopian society with roots in 21st century Europe.