Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Black Bead by JD Lakey

“The premise of Black Bead is wonderful, and it was a fun, short read I happily breezed through. It was refreshing to read new sci-fi with an original plot, on a new planet.” Carly Courtney, Sci-Fi Addicts.com


On a savage, outlying planet an enclave of psionically-trained humans have built a utopian, matriarchal society that lives in harmony with all life. Leaving behind the polluted and corrupt world in which they lived, they colonized a new home far from the eyes of the galactic empire. Shielded from the rest of the galaxy by the dangerous beasts that inhabit their lush, forested world, the village lives a simple life under their Home Dome. But their goal was more than just to live in peace – they wanted to create the perfect human who could bring peace to the galaxy. Rather than merely cloning themselves, they began to manipulate genes in order to create a race of mutants with enhanced telepathic powers.

Under the direction of the ruling witch coven, each child of the Windfall Dome is tested at a young age to asses their abilities – a test which can plot the course for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, Cheobawn – the daughter of the ruling First Mother to the dome – is marked with the Black Bead on her Choosing Day, a symbol of bad luck and shame. It seems the child the mothers had placed so much hope in would not be the future ruler they had hoped for. Yet there is something powerful about her that the elders don’t understand.

Finally of age, Cheobawn is chosen to join a pack to act as the psychic Ear on a foraging mission outside the dome. She knows this is her chance to prove herself. But something sinister stalks them and each member of the pack must draw on their unique strengths and a lifetime of training if they want to survive to see another day.

In her visionary new series The Black Bead Chronicles, author J.D. Lakey invites you to journey along with Cheobawn, Megan, Tam, Connor, and Alain as they use their wits and their Luck to unravel the mysteries of the deceptively bucolic life beneath the dome in this coming of age metaphysical science fiction adventure.


J.D. Lakey was born and raised on the high plains of Montana under an endless sky and as far from civilization as anyone in the twentieth century could get. There she explored the finer nuances of silence and the endless possibilities of the imagination. The stories were always there. The shifting of fortunes finally granted her the time to gather all the stories and give them flesh.

An avid reader of science fiction and comics, she currently lives in San Diego, California where she divides her time between her writing, commuting on the I-5, and spending time with her delightful grandchildren


Friday, November 18, 2016

Wicked Legends Box set - Only .99 cents

A boxed set unlike any other before it, filled with the perfect blend of Dystopian, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, and SciFi Romance.

Every selection in this rare, limited edition collection is a full-length novel or novella, including material from today's New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling authors!

With over one million words of romantic fiction from all of your favorite genres, this limited edition omnibus will provide over 100 hours of reading!

If you're looking for a boxed set overflowing with variety, this collection will satisfy your cravings with sorcery, genies, necromancers, space pirates, shifters, and more! Travel to new worlds or discover ones hidden right beneath your nose when you order your copy of WICKED LEGENDS today!

Grab this collection today before it's gone for good! See the full line up below!
  • Bestselling Harlequin author Debbie Herbert - CHARMED AND DANGEROUS
  • Bestselling Harlequin author Kerry Adrienne - VERITY
  • New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Hamilton and USA Today bestselling author Conner Kressley - MOON COVEN
  • New York Times bestselling author Thea Atkinson - THETA WAVES
  • New York Times bestselling author Natasha Larry - THE NIGHT
  • USA Today bestselling author Rainy Kaye - THE DEEPEST BLACK
  • USA Today bestselling author J.E. Taylor - MESSIAH
  • Award Winning author Kate Corcino - SPARK RISING
  • International bestselling author Rachel McClellan - ESCAPE TO EDEN
  • International bestselling author Jae Vogel - ANGEL BLOOD
  • International bestselling author Raquel Lyon - BOX OF SECRETS
  • International bestselling author Lisa Blackwood - SORCERESS AWAKENING
  • International bestselling author Nicolas Wilson - THE NECROMANCER'S GAMBIT
  • International bestselling author Isis Pierce - ROYAL SEDUCTION
  • International bestselling author Stacy Eaton - GARDA: WELCOME TO THE REALM
  • International bestselling author Caryse Locke - PIRATE NEMESIS
  • International bestselling author S.M. Schmitz - THE CHOSEN
  • International bestselling author Jayne Faith - THE SELECTION
  • International bestselling author Nirina Stone - ROMY'S LEGACY
  • International bestselling author C.M. Albert - REDD'S DESCENT 
  • International bestselling author Erin Bedford - FLAMES OF AURIEL
  • International bestselling author Jack Conner - NIGHTMARE CITY
  • International bestselling author May Sage - BLUE BLOOD

Sunday, November 13, 2016

New Release: Godstone by Kyra Dune

Genre: Pirate Fantasy
Series: The Godstone Chronicles 


When a wicked, power hungry emperor seeks out the Godstone, a mythical stone said to grant its bearer godhood, it puts the entire world at risk. It'll be up to a handful of pirates, a seer, and two skilled warriors to stop him. Can they end the emperor's tyranny, or will the world be lost? Everyone involved believes they know exactly what's at stake. But the Godstone has a will of its own and an intention for the future no one can foresee.