Monday, December 5, 2016

Dark Humanity Box Set


The Dark Humanity Boxed Set is a compilation of 21 Full-Length Science Fiction and Epic Fantasy reads! We’ve spared no great discovery, with inclusion of a diverse mix of existing titles and brand new content!

The pages inside are packed with everything from faeries, dragons, and mysterious viruses to fantastical quests, frozen cities, fearless knights, ancient foes, and powerful enemies.

With over a million words of fiction, this is your one stop shop for sword and sorcery, military and AI science fiction, dark fantasy, and mesmerizing space opera adventures from more than twenty Award Winning and New York Times & USA Today bestselling authors!

This is the stuff legends are made of.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Red Hot Fury by Kasey Mackenzie

Kasey Mackenzie
(Paranormal Detective)

As a Fury, Marissa Holloway belongs to an Arcane race that has avenged wrongdoing since time immemorial. As Boston's chief magical investigator for the past five years, she's doing what she was born to do: solve supernatural crimes.

But Riss's investigation into a dead sister Fury leads to her being inexplicably suspended from her job. And to uncover the truth behind this cover-up, she'll have to turn to her shape-shifting Warhound ex for help.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Black Bead by JD Lakey

“The premise of Black Bead is wonderful, and it was a fun, short read I happily breezed through. It was refreshing to read new sci-fi with an original plot, on a new planet.” Carly Courtney, Sci-Fi


On a savage, outlying planet an enclave of psionically-trained humans have built a utopian, matriarchal society that lives in harmony with all life. Leaving behind the polluted and corrupt world in which they lived, they colonized a new home far from the eyes of the galactic empire. Shielded from the rest of the galaxy by the dangerous beasts that inhabit their lush, forested world, the village lives a simple life under their Home Dome. But their goal was more than just to live in peace – they wanted to create the perfect human who could bring peace to the galaxy. Rather than merely cloning themselves, they began to manipulate genes in order to create a race of mutants with enhanced telepathic powers.

Under the direction of the ruling witch coven, each child of the Windfall Dome is tested at a young age to asses their abilities – a test which can plot the course for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, Cheobawn – the daughter of the ruling First Mother to the dome – is marked with the Black Bead on her Choosing Day, a symbol of bad luck and shame. It seems the child the mothers had placed so much hope in would not be the future ruler they had hoped for. Yet there is something powerful about her that the elders don’t understand.

Finally of age, Cheobawn is chosen to join a pack to act as the psychic Ear on a foraging mission outside the dome. She knows this is her chance to prove herself. But something sinister stalks them and each member of the pack must draw on their unique strengths and a lifetime of training if they want to survive to see another day.

In her visionary new series The Black Bead Chronicles, author J.D. Lakey invites you to journey along with Cheobawn, Megan, Tam, Connor, and Alain as they use their wits and their Luck to unravel the mysteries of the deceptively bucolic life beneath the dome in this coming of age metaphysical science fiction adventure.


J.D. Lakey was born and raised on the high plains of Montana under an endless sky and as far from civilization as anyone in the twentieth century could get. There she explored the finer nuances of silence and the endless possibilities of the imagination. The stories were always there. The shifting of fortunes finally granted her the time to gather all the stories and give them flesh.

An avid reader of science fiction and comics, she currently lives in San Diego, California where she divides her time between her writing, commuting on the I-5, and spending time with her delightful grandchildren


Friday, November 18, 2016

Wicked Legends Box set - Only .99 cents

A boxed set unlike any other before it, filled with the perfect blend of Dystopian, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, and SciFi Romance.

Every selection in this rare, limited edition collection is a full-length novel or novella, including material from today's New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling authors!

With over one million words of romantic fiction from all of your favorite genres, this limited edition omnibus will provide over 100 hours of reading!

If you're looking for a boxed set overflowing with variety, this collection will satisfy your cravings with sorcery, genies, necromancers, space pirates, shifters, and more! Travel to new worlds or discover ones hidden right beneath your nose when you order your copy of WICKED LEGENDS today!

Grab this collection today before it's gone for good! See the full line up below!
  • Bestselling Harlequin author Debbie Herbert - CHARMED AND DANGEROUS
  • Bestselling Harlequin author Kerry Adrienne - VERITY
  • New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Hamilton and USA Today bestselling author Conner Kressley - MOON COVEN
  • New York Times bestselling author Thea Atkinson - THETA WAVES
  • New York Times bestselling author Natasha Larry - THE NIGHT
  • USA Today bestselling author Rainy Kaye - THE DEEPEST BLACK
  • USA Today bestselling author J.E. Taylor - MESSIAH
  • Award Winning author Kate Corcino - SPARK RISING
  • International bestselling author Rachel McClellan - ESCAPE TO EDEN
  • International bestselling author Jae Vogel - ANGEL BLOOD
  • International bestselling author Raquel Lyon - BOX OF SECRETS
  • International bestselling author Lisa Blackwood - SORCERESS AWAKENING
  • International bestselling author Nicolas Wilson - THE NECROMANCER'S GAMBIT
  • International bestselling author Isis Pierce - ROYAL SEDUCTION
  • International bestselling author Stacy Eaton - GARDA: WELCOME TO THE REALM
  • International bestselling author Caryse Locke - PIRATE NEMESIS
  • International bestselling author S.M. Schmitz - THE CHOSEN
  • International bestselling author Jayne Faith - THE SELECTION
  • International bestselling author Nirina Stone - ROMY'S LEGACY
  • International bestselling author C.M. Albert - REDD'S DESCENT 
  • International bestselling author Erin Bedford - FLAMES OF AURIEL
  • International bestselling author Jack Conner - NIGHTMARE CITY
  • International bestselling author May Sage - BLUE BLOOD

Sunday, November 13, 2016

New Release: Godstone by Kyra Dune

Genre: Pirate Fantasy
Series: The Godstone Chronicles 


When a wicked, power hungry emperor seeks out the Godstone, a mythical stone said to grant its bearer godhood, it puts the entire world at risk. It'll be up to a handful of pirates, a seer, and two skilled warriors to stop him. Can they end the emperor's tyranny, or will the world be lost? Everyone involved believes they know exactly what's at stake. But the Godstone has a will of its own and an intention for the future no one can foresee.


Thursday, October 13, 2016

COMING SOON: Godstone by Kyra Dune



When a wicked, power hungry emperor seeks out the Godstone, a mythical stone said to grant its bearer godhood, it puts the entire world at risk. It'll be up to a handful of pirates, a seer, and two skilled warriors to stop him. Can they end the emperor's tyranny, or will the world be lost? Everyone involved believes they know exactly what's at stake. But the Godstone has a will of its own and an intention for the future no one can foresee. 

Sunday, October 9, 2016


Hi, I’m Kyra Dune, author of fantasy fiction and I’m your host for this stop in the Hunt.

If you would like to find out more about the Hunt, please click here -

Somewhere on this page is a hidden number. Collect all the numbers from all the authors’ posts, and then add them up. Once you’ve added all the numbers, and if I am your last author, please head to the official website and click on the ENTER HERE page to find the entry form. Only entries will the correct number will qualify to win.

The author I’m pleased to be hosting for Virtual FantasyCon’s Blog Hop Hunt today is Blogger – Got My Book.

Jeanene is the blogger behind the Science Fiction & Fantasy book blog Got My Book. She is an audiobook enthusiast and writer of (overly?) long reviews.

Yes, I'm that person, the one who wears her headphones nearly everywhere. Whenever anyone apologizes to me for a delay, I just say, "That's ok, 'I've Got My Book.'"

Come join me on an Audiobook journey through the worlds of fantastical fiction, with pauses for other book related side trips.

About Me

I have loved reading since I was young.  Being *cough*middle aged*cough*, audiobooks came later. My whole life, my Dad has been a reader.  He spends his free time sitting on the couch with a book.  As time has gone by and my siblings have grown, a family reunion might find half of us sitting around, each with our own book/ereader - perfectly content.

My mother isn't a big reader; but she is an amazingly patient woman who is willing to listen to us tell her all about our latest favorites.  She is even kind enough to say she would rather listen to me tell it than read it herself.

As I wrote in the previous post, I have always loved reading. I was the kid who was usually reading a book in class (thankfully I was pretty good at following along just enough to be able to answer questions when the teacher called on me). Or the one reading under the covers with a flashlight instead of sleeping (yes, I've really done that). Unfortunately, as we grow up it becomes harder to read when you are supposed to be doing something else.

I spent my earliest post-college years living in a big city and commuting on the bus. But reading on the bus made me really sick.  At the time, I owned a portable cassette walk-man and my library had a huge collection of books on tape.  I had trouble "reading" this way at first, but stuck it out and have been forever grateful that I did.  (Note: I will write about how I adapted to audiobooks in my next post in this series.)

I now have a 15 minute commute (round trip), but 13 audiobooks have found their way into every area of my life. I listen while doing housework, exercising (hate it otherwise), running errands, doing boring stuff on the computer, crafting (crocheting, knitting, cross-stitching, etc), taking road trips or flying to visit family, etc. A year ago, I went on a solo cruise for a big birthday, and audiobooks let me sit & enjoy the beautiful water while also using my vacation to listen to some great books!

Weekly Blog Features

  • 3 SF/F reviews (middle-grade through adult) - As an Audiobook reviewer, my reviews naturally include a section on the narration and audio production. But if you don’t listen to your books, some of the other things you can find in my reviews include:
    • Up-to-date series information - I always include information about whether a book is part of a series & which number it is, whether the series is complete or not, and when the next book will be out if it’s not.
    • Content warnings - I firmly believe in the right to make an informed choice as to what you personally want to read. I don't believe that it equals censorship until you try to limit what someone else can choose to read. To that end, I try to note anything someone might want to know about before hand.
    • Author/Narrator Interviews, when I can get them.
  • A "New Audiobook Releases” post that highlights some of the most talked about & interesting looking new SF/F Audiobooks that week.
  • A bookish Discussion.
  • A Sunday Summary that combines personal updates, reading updates, highlights from my weekly book haul, and links to all the posts for that week.

Got My Book Signature

Did you find the number? If you did, then click Got My Book’s link – to continue Virtual FantasyCon’s Blog Hop Hunt.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Character Death Match: Zazere vs The Hunter Of Voramis

Duel to the Death

I, Kyra Dune, challenge you, Andy Peloquin, to a duel to the death! But it is not we who will fight, but our characters…

In the black corner, weighing in at 180 pounds, standing a cool 6 feet tall, the Hunter of Voramis!

Tale of the Tape:

  • Superhuman reflexes, strength, speed--think Captain America, but stronger
  • Thousands of years of weapons training
  • Body has accelerated healing factor--can survive a sword to the heart (can be killed by drowning, iron weapons, beheading, and suffocation)
  • Cannot be killed by anything but iron
  • Accursed dagger that heals him when he kills
  • No magical abilities whatsoever
  • No hesitation to kill if he perceives opponent as a threat/obstacle to his desires--classic anti-hero

In the grey corner, weighing in at 145 pounds, standing 5' 7" tall, the Slyph Mage, Zazere!

Tale of the Tape:

·         Telepathic

·         Control Over The Air

·         Handy With Magical Powders

·         Can Create Weapons Out Of Thin Air

·         Master Swordsman

·         Swift & Agile

·         Son Of A Dragon

·         Never Loses His Cool

Two enter the ring, only one can leave alive!

How would Zazere kill the Hunter? Zazere would use flash powder to temporarily blind The Hunter, then a blast of wind to the chest to knock him off his feet. If he read the Hunter's mind, he could ascertain the Hunter's weakness: iron.

To kill Zazere: The Hunter would try to overwhelm him with his inhuman speed, strength, and skill. All he has to do is pierce his skin with Soulhunger, and the dagger will consume his soul. Not even someone with considerable magical abilities can survive Soulhunger's bite--it was created to kill demons. 

Who would win?

The Hunter is more than able to face any swordsman, and his skill with his blades would give him a fighting chance. Being telepathic, Zazere knows every move his opponent will make before they make it. Thus, he is exceedingly difficult to kill. However, knowing what your opponent is being able to do and being fast enough to counter it are two different matters.

The match would be a close one. If the Hunter's superior speed, strength, and skill could get through Zazere's guard, Soulhunger would end the battle. If Zazere could bring his planning, strategy, and abilities to the battle, he could outmatch the Hunter and use an iron sword to defeat him.

Winner: Draw. Luck could tip the scales in either direction.

Want to find out more about this Hunter who would dare challenge the Slyph Mage to the death? Click here  to read about the mighty Hunter Of Voramis.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

New Release: What The Heart Wants by Kyra Dune


A boy on the run

Patrick left the second realm looking for a chance at a better future. What he found instead was that a teenager out on the streets doesn't have many options when it comes to survival. A chance encounter with a girl at a club brings new hope into his life. Until one night in a dark park when everything he's trying to build gets shattered.

A girl with a wild side

Meagan has it all. Beauty. Wealth. The freedom to do as she pleases. People are disposable and life is a ride she intends to enjoy to its fullest. Then she meets a kid off the streets and her already chaotic life spins out of control. This one she wants to keep. No matter what she has to do to make sure he stays.

Two hearts on a collision course

What started out as a game becomes so much more. And when a Guardian shows up to take Patrick back to the second realm, the teens hatch a desperate plot. In the end, blood will flow. The only question is, whose blood will it be?


Tuesday, May 31, 2016

New Release: Unbreak Me by Julieanne Lynch

Title: Unbreak Me
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Release date: May 31st


Totally Bound Publishing: 


Molly Rice just wants to go through life unnoticed. To work hard, buy a little house, and perhaps settle down some day. Everything else she can do without.

Connor Ellison, the son of the hard-nosed CEO of Ellison Enterprises, finds it hard to ignore the pretty doe-eyed girl who one day accidentally walks into his life. Completely bowled over by her beautiful nature, Connor embarks on a whirlwind mission to make Molly his.

Molly soon finds herself lost in a billionaire's paradise, but she isn't easily persuaded. In one year, everything changes. When feelings get involved, there's so much more at play.

Can Molly and Connor overcome the many hurdles that are pitted against them? Do they have the strength to unbreak each other’s hearts?


Julieanne Lynch is an author of urban fantasy books for both adults and teens. Julieanne lives in Northern Ireland, is married to her childhood sweetheart and together they have five children.

Before becoming a writer, she considered a few different career paths, a rock star being one of them. She studied English Literature and Creative Writing at The Open University, and considered journalism as a career path. However, she decided writing was the way for her and believes all of her education and reading prepared her for it.

An avid reader, Julieanne has always had an encompassing fascination with folklore. When not writing, she enjoys crime series such as Criminal Minds, CSI, NCIS and Cold Case, and loves anything with Vampires, listening to metal, meeting new people, drinking lots of green tea, and sharing her dreams with her children. She is a self-professed goth wanna-be,and is happy when left to write into the early hours of the morning.

Julieanne’s YA series, the Shadow World novels, so far contains Within the Shadows & Escaping Shadows, the third instalment, Fighting Shadows will be released in 2015. It follows the war between vampires and shadow creatures. Giselle Bergman, an 18-year old human girl, falls victim to a scheme by one of her closest childhood friends, and embarks on a journey that sees her become the centre of a battle between good and evil.


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

New Release: Bulletproof by Savannah Rylan


Bulletproof by Savannah Rylan
A Righteous Outlaws novel


Kade Danielson is in love. He’s got his brothers and his bike, but he’s still missing that one special person.

Sienna Jacobs is oblivious. Kade has been in love with her for most of their lives. But, Sienna is the Prez’s daughter, therefore off limits.

One night of passion leads to an unforeseen event. Can Kade and Sienna and baby make three? Or will Sienna’s dad break up the little family to be?

Connect with the Author

Thursday, May 12, 2016

COMING SOON: What The Heart Wants by Kyra Dune




A boy on the run

Patrick left the second realm looking for a chance at a better future. What he found instead was that a teenager out on the streets doesn't have many options when it comes to survival. A chance encounter with a girl at a club brings new hope into his life. Until one night in a dark park when everything he's trying to build gets shattered.

A girl with a wild side

Meagan has it all. Beauty. Wealth. The freedom to do as she pleases. People are disposable and life is a ride she intends to enjoy to its fullest. Then she meets a kid off the streets and her already chaotic life spins out of control. This one she wants to keep. No matter what she has to do to make sure he stays.

Two hearts on a collision course

What started out as a game becomes so much more. And when a Guardian shows up to take Patrick back to the second realm, the teens hatch a desperate plot. In the end, blood will flow. The only question is, whose blood will it be?


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Blog Tour: Crushed by Deborah Coonts

Crushed, a Novel of Love and Wine
The Heart of Napa Series #1
By- Deborah Coonts
Genre- Contemporary Romance/Women’s Fiction
Publication Date-March 8, 2016

In Napa Valley, he who has the best grapes wins.
And in the pursuit of perfection, dreams and hearts can be crushed.
Sophia Stone is a widow on the brink of an empty nest, stuck in an unsatisfying job managing the vineyard for a mediocre Napa vintner.  Faced with an uncertain future she wonders how do you choose between making a living and making a life?  Between protecting your heart and sharing it?  Five years ago, after her husband was killed in an accident, Sophia put her heart and dreams on ice to care for those around her.  Now her home, her dreams, and her family’s legacy grapes are threatened by the greed of the new money moving into the Valley.   Sophia has a choice—give up and let them take what is hers, or risk everything fighting a battle everyone says she can’t win.

Nico Treviani has one goal in life: make brilliant wine.  A woman would be an unwanted distraction.  So, while recognized as one of Napa’s premier vintners, Nico finds himself alone… until his brother’s death drops not one, but two women into his life—his thirteen-year-old twin nieces.  In an instant, Nico gains a family and loses his best friend and partner in the winemaking business.  Struggling to care for his nieces, Nico accepts a job as head winemaker for Avery Specter, one of the new-money crowd.  And he learns the hard way that new money doesn’t stick to the old rules.


If Crushed, a Novel of Love and Wine was made into a movie and you could cast anyone you wanted, who would you choose?

Gosh, haven’t thought about it.  Ashley Judd maybe as Sophia.  Nico--someone tall and dark and smoldering, yet human when he smiles.  Hugh Jackman? 

Nico and Sophia are not youngsters.  They are adults dealing with grown children, or almost-grown (Sophia), nieces who he becomes unexpectedly responsible for (Nico).  They both have aging parents and have lost one parent.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Blog Tour: In All My Years by Ciara Knight

Title: In All My Years
Author: Ciara KnightGenre: Sweet Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer: Robin Ludwig Design Inc.
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR

Blurb: Kathleen Baker fled Riverbend, TN in the middle of the night to escape her mafia, drug running husband. She also left behind the man she loved. Now, ten years later, Kathleen returns to Riverbend, the one place she’d ever felt at home. After a letter arrives, Kathleen realizes her husband is still alive. With her past now in the present, Kathleen’s future is in jeopardy.
Colum Harrow kicked his nephew out of his home so that he’d move on with his life and stop moping around the house over a lost love. Unfortunately, he was unable to follow his own advice, and has lived in isolation for years with the guilt he had failed to protect the woman he loved from an abusive husband. Now, she returns to his hometown to see the birth of her granddaughter, and he must face his failures and the woman who owns his heart.

Ciara Knight writes with a ‘Little Edge and a Lot of Heart’ with her contemporary and paranormal romance books. Her most recent #1 Amazon bestselling series, Sweetwater County, has topped the charts and received acclaimed reviews. Her international best-seller, Pendulum scored 4 stars from RT Book Reviews, accolades from InD’Tale Magazine and Night Owl Top Pick. Her young adult paranormal series, Battle for Souls, received 5 stars from Paranormal Romance Guild and Night Owl’s Top Pick, among other praises.

Author Links:
Buy Links:

Friday, April 22, 2016

Cover Reveal: Moonlit Seduction by Nathan Squiers & Megan Parker

Title: Moonlit Seduction (Book 1)
Series - A Hunter's Moon Curse
Genre- Paranormal/Historical Romance
Release Date - May 3, 2016


The curse of the father has become the curse of the sons…

And a werewolf who can’t transform is surely cursed, indeed.

For Broden MacAlasdair, however, not changing shape like a horror movie monster is a distant concern when weighed against the harsh demands of the Scottish highlands. Though burdened by the same emptiness their father’s curse has instilled on all of them, he has all but lost hope in finding the love that would begin them on their way to freedom. But when a chance encounter has him saving a feisty blonde who catches his fancy, even he can’t deny a renewed hope and feelings he has towards the girl.
A woman searching for the truth…

Abigail Simone has always been intrigued over her village’s “beast” problem. However, while the villagers believe the beasts to be a threat, she can’t hold back the feeling that there’s more to the truth than what the tavern gossip offers. Eager to learn more, her curiosity lands her in the arms of the dark-but-alluring Broden, and Abby discovers that the truth behind the legends is more than anybody could have imagined.

And maybe she’ll get the chance to tell them… if that same truth doesn’t get them all killed first.

The only thing more deadly than the curse is the path to lifting it.


 Born in Massachusetts in 1986, Nathan Squiers (The Literary Dark Emperor) grew up in Andover, where his affinity for story-telling flourished due to a love of books and movies as well as an overactive imagination. At the age of 13, Nathan and his mother moved to Upstate New York to be closer to their family.

After surviving public school, where he spent most of his days locked away in the AV room watching old 80s movies on Laserdisc and planning out his next video project, Nathan began a shaky college career. A love of weaving tales and telling stories was motivation enough to pursue an education in English, and, as luck would have it, a series of phenomenal professors were available to get him pointed in the right direction. It was in his first years of college that Nathan began to actively pursue a writing career, starting his first literary journey with a piece that would later become "Noir", the first book of the Crimson Shadow series.

Like any good story, a chaotic turn of events brought Nathan from the very brink of insanity and loneliness to the warm, comforting embrace of Megan, his best friend, lover, kindred spirit, and--more often than not--personal handler. It was with Megan at his side that Nathan was able to continue his writing (sometimes solely motivated by the young lady's threats of dismemberment if he tried to stop). With Megan's help, Nathan was able to see Death Metal, his fourth manuscript, through the publication process.

Nearly ten years later, The Literary Dark Emperor (now a multi-award winning author and co-owner/manager of Tiger Dynasty Publishing) continues to invent stories and put them into a literary sequence that he hopes will be somehow decipherable by other readers. As a lover of all things creative, he works in both novels, novellas, short stories, as well as comic book scripts (just don't ask him to draw something if you don't like stick figures and poorly-executed shapes).

If he's not submerged in the realm of fiction or burning out his retinas with horror movie marathons, Nathan is planning/getting a new piercing/tattoo or enjoying life with his lovely wife and fellow author, Megan J. Parker. 

Megan J. Parker lives in upstate New York in a small town that no one can spell or pronounce. She is normally found either hanging in her home with her fiancée, Nathan, and two evil cats that believe they are the kings of the house, or on campus at the local college sitting in the art rooms with her face plastered to the Mac-lab computers.

On her down time, she likes reading and designing new logos and videos. Her passion for telling stories is portrayed in all her work and when there's a story to tell, you can be sure she'll tell it to its full extent. She aspires to own her own design company and work in a studio where she can edit and write to her heart's content.